As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the Tony Grampsas youth services board created in section 26-6.8-103. “Entity” means a local government, a Colorado public or nonsectarian secondary school, a group of public or nonsectarian secondary schools, a school district or group of school districts, a board of cooperative services, […]
The Tony Grampsas youth services program is transferred to the state department. All program grants in existence as of July 1, 2013, shall continue to be valid through June 30, 2014. Persons appointed to the board shall continue serving until completion of their terms and may be reappointed as provided in section 26-6.8-103. The Tony […]
There is hereby created the Tony Grampsas youth services board consisting of four adult members appointed by the governor, two youth members appointed by the governor, three adult members appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, two adult members appointed by the president of the senate, and one adult member appointed by the […]
Short title. This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Youth Mentoring Services Act”. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds and declares that mentoring programs such as big brothers, big sisters, and partners have been active in Colorado for many years. The general assembly finds that national research has indicated […]
Short title. This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Student Dropout Prevention and Intervention Act”. Legislative declaration. The general assembly hereby finds that: During the last decade, over one hundred thousand students in Colorado left school without successfully completing a high school program; In 1996, three million six hundred thousand […]
Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Before-and-after-school program” means a program that meets before regular school hours or after regular school hours or during a period when school is not in session. “Fund” means the Colorado student before-and-after-school project fund created in subsection (4) of this section. “Project” means the […]