The general assembly hereby finds that a significant number of homicides, aggravated assaults, assaults and batteries, and other types of abuse and coercive control occur within the home; that the reported incidence of domestic abuse represents only a portion of the total number of incidents of domestic abuse; that a large percentage of police officer […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Domestic abuse” means any act or threatened act of violence, including any forceful detention of an individual, which results or threatens to result in physical injury and which is committed by a person eighteen years of age or older against another person who is a […]
A domestic abuse program established pursuant to this article shall provide, but not be limited to: Counseling for persons who are victims of domestic abuse and their dependents and for persons who cause domestic abuse; Advocacy programs that assist victims in obtaining services and information; Educational programs designed for both community at large and specialized […]
The executive director may enter into contracts or agreements for services with any unit of local government or nongovernmental agency which has established and which operates a community domestic abuse program or with a unit of local government or nongovernmental agency which has subcontracted with a nongovernmental agency for domestic abuse program services. The state […]
Any nongovernmental agency or unit of local government operating a domestic abuse program pursuant to this article shall, subject to available appropriations, be reimbursed by the state department at a rate to be set by the general assembly in the annual appropriation bill. Not less than seventy-five percent of all contract funding under this article […]