The general assembly hereby finds and declares that: It is in the public interest to encourage clustering of residential dwellings on tracts of land that are exempt from subdivision regulation by county government pursuant to section 30-28-101 (10)(c)(X), thereby providing a means of preserving common open space, of reducing the extension of roads and utilities […]
As used in this part 4, unless the context otherwise requires: “Rural land use process” means a planning process duly enacted and adopted by a county which is designed to offer a land use option for single family residential purposes that differs from traditional thirty-five acre divisions of land, as described in section 30-28-101 (10)(c)(I). […]
A cluster development is any division of land that creates parcels containing less than thirty-five acres each, for single-family residential purposes only, where one or more tracts are being divided pursuant to a rural land use process and where at least two-thirds of the total area of the tract or tracts is reserved for the […]
In an effort to preserve open space and water resources, a cluster development may obtain only one well permit for each single-family residential lot pursuant to sections 37-90-105 and 37-92-602, C.R.S., subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section. Except in areas of the state where unappropriated water is available for withdrawal and […]