With respect to the exercise of corporate and municipal powers, the municipalities of this state are divided into the following classifications: Cities or towns incorporated prior to July 3, 1877, which have retained such organization; Cities or towns organized pursuant to the provisions of article XX of the state constitution; Cities and towns organized pursuant […]
Every city or town incorporated prior to July 3, 1877, which chooses to retain such organization, in the enforcement of the powers or the exercise of the duties conferred by the special charter or general law under which the same is incorporated, shall proceed in all respects as provided by such special charter or general […]
With respect to the exercises of certain municipal and corporate powers, granted by the provisions of this title, and to the duties of certain municipal officers, set forth in this title, all municipal corporations organized pursuant to the provisions of this title or of any other general law on or after July 3, 1877, which […]
The governor and secretary of state, within six months after the returns of any United States census have been filed in the office of the secretary of state, or within thirty days after the returns of the enumeration of the inhabitants of any town taken under and by authority of any town ordinance or resolution […]
As soon as the statement is published, as provided in section 31-1-204, showing that any town is entitled to be organized into a city, the proper authorities of such town may adopt and publish such ordinances as may be necessary to perfect such organization with respect to the election, duties, and compensation of officers and […]
The governor and the secretary of state, within six months after the returns of any United States census have been filed in the office of the secretary of state, or within thirty days after the returns of the enumeration of the inhabitants of any city taken under and by virtue of any city ordinance or […]
As soon as the statement is published, as provided in section 31-1-206, showing that any city may change in classification to a town, the governing body of such city may adopt and publish such ordinances as may be necessary to perfect such organization in respect to the election, duties, and compensation of officers and with […]