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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 31 - Government - Municipal » Article 11 - Municipal Initiatives, Referenda, and Referred Measures

§ 31-11-101. Legislative Declaration

It is the intention of the general assembly to set forth in this article the procedures for exercising the initiative and referendum powers reserved to the municipal electors in subsection (9) of section 1 of article V of the state constitution. It is not the intention of the general assembly to limit or abridge in […]

§ 31-11-102. Applicability of Article

This article shall apply to municipal initiatives, referenda, and referred measures unless alternative procedures are provided by charter, ordinance, or resolution. Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 422, § 1, effective May 8.

§ 31-11-103. Definitions

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Ballot title” means the language that is printed on the ballot that is comprised of the submission clause and the title. “Final determination of petition sufficiency” means the date following passage of the period of time within which a protest must be filed pursuant to […]

§ 31-11-103.5. Computation of Time

Except as otherwise provided in this article, calendar days shall be used in all computations of time made under the provisions of this article. In computing time for any act to be done before any municipal election, the first day shall be included, and the last or election day shall be excluded. Except when computing […]

§ 31-11-104. Ordinances – Initiative – Conflicting Measures

Any proposed ordinance may be submitted to the legislative body of any municipality by filing written notice of the proposed ordinance with the clerk and, within one hundred eighty days after approval of the petition pursuant to section 31-11-106 (1), by filing a petition signed by at least five percent of the registered electors of […]

§ 31-11-105. Ordinances – When Effective – Referendum

No ordinance passed by the legislative body of any municipality shall take effect before thirty days after its final passage and publication, except an ordinance calling for a special election or necessary to the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, and not then unless the ordinance states in a separate section the […]

§ 31-11-106. Form of Petition Sections

Each petition section shall be printed in a form consistent with the requirements of this article. No petition section shall be printed or circulated unless the form and the first printer’s proof of the petition section have first been approved by the clerk. The clerk shall approve or reject the form and the first printer’s […]

§ 31-11-107. Circulators – Requirements

The circulation of any petition section other than personally by a circulator is prohibited. No section of a petition for any initiative or referendum measure shall be circulated by any person who is not at least eighteen years of age at the time the section is circulated. Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 426, […]

§ 31-11-108. Signatures

Any initiative or referendum petition shall be signed only by registered electors who are eligible to vote on the measure. Each registered elector shall sign his or her own signature and shall print his or her name, the address at which he or she resides, including the street number and name, the city or town, […]

§ 31-11-109. Signature Verification – Statement of Sufficiency

The clerk shall inspect timely filed initiative or referendum petitions and the attached affidavits, and may do so by examining the information on signature lines for patent defects, by comparing the information on signature lines against a list of registered electors provided by the county, or by other reasonable means. After examining the petition, the […]

§ 31-11-110. Protest

Within forty days after an initiative or referendum petition is filed, a protest in writing under oath may be filed in the office of the clerk by any registered elector who resides in the municipality, setting forth specifically the grounds for such protest. The grounds for protest may include, but shall not be limited to, […]

§ 31-11-111. Initiatives, Referenda, and Referred Measures – Ballot Titles

After an election has been ordered pursuant to section 31-11-104 or 31-11-105, the legislative body of the municipality or its designee shall promptly fix a ballot title for each initiative or referendum. The legislative body of any municipality may, without receipt of any petition, submit any proposed or adopted ordinance or resolution or any question […]

§ 31-11-112. Petitions – Not Election Materials – No Bilingual Requirement

The general assembly hereby determines that initiative and referendum petitions are not election materials or information covered by the federal “Voting Rights Act of 1965”, and are therefore not required to be printed in any language other than English in order to be circulated in any municipality in Colorado. Source: L. 95: Entire article added, […]

§ 31-11-113. Receiving Money to Circulate Petitions – Filing

The proponents of the petition shall file with the clerk a report disclosing the amount paid per signature and the total amount paid to each circulator. The filing shall be made at the same time the petition is filed with the clerk. Any payment made to circulators is an expenditure under article 45 of title […]

§ 31-11-114. Unlawful Acts – Penalty

It is unlawful: For any person willfully and knowingly to circulate or cause to be circulated or sign or procure to be signed any petition bearing the name, device, or motto of any person, organization, association, league, or political party, or purporting in any way to be endorsed, approved, or submitted by any person, organization, […]

§ 31-11-115. Tampering With Initiative or Referendum Petition

Any person commits a class 2 misdemeanor who: Willfully destroys, defaces, mutilates, or suppresses any initiative or referendum petition; Willfully neglects to file or delays the delivery of the initiative or referendum petition; Conceals or removes any initiative or referendum petition from the possession of the person authorized by law to have custody of the […]

§ 31-11-116. Enforcement

Any person may file with the district attorney an affidavit stating the name of any person who has violated any of the provisions of this article and stating the facts that constitute the alleged offense. Upon the filing of such affidavit, the district attorney shall forthwith investigate, and, if reasonable grounds appear therefor, the district […]

§ 31-11-117. Retention of Petitions

After a period of three years from the time of submission of the petitions to the clerk, if it is determined that the retention of the petitions is no longer necessary, the clerk may destroy the petitions. Source: L. 95: Entire article added, p. 430, § 1, effective May 8.

§ 31-11-118. Powers of Clerk and Deputy

Except as otherwise provided in this article, the clerk shall render all interpretations and shall make all initial decisions as to controversies or other matters arising in the operation of this article. All powers and authority granted to the clerk by this article may be exercised by a deputy clerk in the absence of the […]