The governing body of each municipality has the power to erect and care for all necessary public buildings for the use of the municipality. Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1113, § 1, effective July 1. Editor’s note: The provisions of this section are similar to several former provisions of § 31-12-101 (19) as […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To lay out, establish, open, alter, widen, extend, grade, pave, or otherwise improve streets, parks, and public grounds and vacate the same and to direct and regulate the planting of ornamental and shade trees in such streets, parks, and public grounds; to plant trees upon the […]
When the owners of sixty percent of the frontage of the lots or lands adjacent to or abutting upon any street or alley or designated portion thereof petition the governing body in writing to construct a sewer, including a storm sewer, in said street or alley or require sidewalks to be constructed along said street […]
When the cost of any improvement provided for in sections 31-15-702 (1)(b) and 31-15-703 is assessed against the owners of adjacent or abutting property and the assessment is not paid within thirty days, the clerk shall certify said assessment to the treasurer of the county who shall extend said assessment upon his tax roll and […]
Any municipality may aid in the construction and repair of any highway leading thereto by appropriating a portion of the highway tax belonging to said municipality, not exceeding fifty percent thereof annually, as provided in this section. When a petition signed by twenty of the registered electors of said municipality asking that the question of […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power to grant the use of, or the right to lay down, any railroad track in any street of the municipality to any steam or street railroad company operating its cars, by any kind of mechanical motive power, only upon the written consent of the owners of […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To acquire waterworks, gasworks, and gas distribution systems for the distribution of gas of any kind or electric light and power works and distribution systems, or heating and cooling works and distribution systems for the distribution of heat and cooling obtained from geothermal resources, solar or […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To construct public wells, cisterns, and reservoirs in the streets and other public and private places within the municipality or beyond the limits thereof for the purpose of supplying the same with water, to provide proper pumps and conducting pipes or ditches, to regulate the distribution […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To construct and keep in repair culverts, drains, sewers, water mains, and cesspools and to regulate their use; and to assess, either in whole or in part, the cost of the construction of sewers, water mains, and drains upon the lots or lands adjacent to and […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To provide for the cleansing and purification of water, watercourses, and canals and the draining or filling of ponds on private property when necessary to prevent or abate nuisances; and for the purpose of aiding in the prevention and abatement of water pollution all municipalities are […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To deepen, widen, dock, cover, wall, alter, or change the channel of watercourses; To establish markets and market houses and provide for the regulation and use thereof. No charge or assessments of any kind shall be levied on any truck or other vehicle, or on the […]
Any municipality that chooses to establish and operate a jail, as authorized in section 31-15-401 (1)(j), that begins operations on or after August 30, 1999, may establish sanitary standards for such jail relating to space requirements, furnishing requirements, required special use areas or special management housing, and environmental condition requirements, including but not limited to […]
All work done by the city in the construction of works of public improvement of five thousand dollars or more shall be done by contract to the lowest responsible bidder on open bids after ample advertisement. It shall be unlawful for any person to divide a works of public improvement construction into two or more […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To sell and dispose of waterworks, ditches, gasworks, geothermal systems, solar systems, electric light works, or other public utilities, public buildings, real property used or held for park purposes, or any other real property used or held for any governmental purpose. Before any such sale is […]
The governing body of each municipality has the power: To lease any real estate or any interest therein owned by the municipality for oil and gas exploration, development, and production purposes, upon such terms and conditions as may be prescribed and contracted by the governing body in the exercise of its best judgment and as […]
The general assembly hereby declares that landfill gas constitutes a hazard to the health, welfare, and safety of the people of this state, whether such gas has accumulated as a result of a public or private landfill operation, and that the extraction of landfill gas will ameliorate this dangerous condition, and further declares that the […]
To accomplish the purposes specified in section 31-15-715, municipalities are granted the following powers: To acquire, hold, use, transfer and convey any real property or any interest therein, in fee or a leasehold interest, for purposes of landfill gas exploration, production, and development; To engage in any and all activities respecting the exploration, development, production, […]