As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires: “Net effective interest rate” of a proposed issue of refunding bonds means the net interest cost of said refunding issue divided by the sum of the products derived by multiplying the principal amount of such refunding issue maturing on each maturity date by the […]
The governing body of any municipality may issue negotiable coupon bonds, to be denominated refunding bonds, for the purpose of refunding any of the bonded indebtedness of such municipality, whether due or not or which is payable at the option of such municipality, by consent of the bondholders, or by any lawful means. The amount […]
Whenever such governing body deems it expedient to issue refunding bonds under the provisions of this part 2 and the net interest cost and the net effective interest rate of the proposed issue of refunding bonds does not exceed the net interest cost and net effective interest rate of the issue of bonds to be […]
When such governing body deems it expedient to issue refunding bonds under the provisions of this part 2 and either the net interest cost or the net effective interest rate of the proposed issue of refunding bonds exceeds the net interest cost or the net effective interest rate, respectively, of the issue of bonds to […]
If the governing body determines to issue refunding bonds without an election by meeting the requirements set forth in sections 31-21-202 to 31-21-204 or if, upon canvassing the vote cast at any election held under the provisions of this part 2, it is determined by the governing body that a majority of the votes cast […]
Such refunding bonds may be exchanged dollar for dollar for the bonds to be refunded, or they may be sold at, above, or below their par value at a price such that the net effective interest rate of the issue of refunding bonds does not exceed the maximum net effective interest rate authorized. Such refunding […]
The interest accruing on such refunding bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this part 2 prior to the time when the proceeds of tax levies are available therefor shall be paid out of the general revenues or any other revenues of the municipality available therefor. For the purpose of reimbursing such general revenues or […]
Any ordinance authorizing an issue of refunding bonds under the provisions of this part 2 and providing for the levy of taxes for the payment of the interest upon and the principal of such refunding bonds shall not be altered or repealed until the indebtedness thereby authorized has been fully paid. Source: L. 75: Entire […]
When any city or town consolidates with another city or town under the laws of the state of Colorado and has incurred a bonded indebtedness prior to such consolidation, such bonded indebtedness may be refunded by the consolidated city or town under the provisions of this part 2, as is provided for the refunding of […]
Any refunding bonds may be issued to refund one or more issues of outstanding bonds of a municipality, but no two or more issues of outstanding bonds may be refunded by a single issue of refunding bonds unless the taxable property upon which tax levies are being made for payment of each such outstanding issue […]
The proceeds derived from the issuance of any refunding bonds under the provisions of this part 2 shall either be immediately applied to the payment, or redemption, and retirement of the bonds to be refunded and the cost and expense incident to such procedures or shall immediately be placed in escrow to be applied to […]
Whenever any municipality issues refunding bonds under the provisions of this part 2, the governing body shall direct that the clerk of said municipality, as a part of said clerk’s duties, register said bonds in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and, when so registered, the legality thereof shall not be […]
If any bonds of a municipality, either bonds issued for refunding purposes or bonds issued for other purposes as set forth in section 31-15-302 (1)(d), are made redeemable prior to their respective maturities and the governing body determines that any part of such bonds should be called for redemption according to their terms, it is […]