The provisions of this part 7 governing the benefits payable in the event of the death or disability of an active old hire member shall apply with respect to any such member who dies or becomes disabled prior to January 1, 1980. The provisions of this part 7 governing the benefits payable in the event […]
If an old hire member of any police department in a municipality having a population of less than one hundred thousand, while in the performance of the member’s duty or by reason of service in such department, becomes physically or mentally disabled and such disability is deemed to be of a temporary nature, the board […]
Any old hire member of a paid fire department in a municipality, fire protection district, or county improvement district, having less than one hundred thousand in population who becomes mentally or physically disabled while on active duty during regular assigned hours of duty from any cause not self-inflicted nor due to the habitual use of […]
If any old hire member of the police department in a municipality having a population of at least one hundred thousand, while in the performance of the member’s duty, becomes temporarily totally disabled, physically or mentally, for service by reason of service in such department, the board shall order the payment to such disabled member, […]
Any old hire member of a fire department in a municipality having a population of at least one hundred thousand, who becomes mentally or physically disabled while on active duty during regularly assigned hours of duty from any cause not self-inflicted nor due to the habitual use of intoxicants or drugs to an extent whereby […]