Notwithstanding any other provision of this article or the provisions of article 31 of this title that specifically refer to exempt plans, any municipality, fire protection district, or county improvement district, prior to January 1, 1980, may establish an alternative police officers’ or firefighters’ pension benefit program or combination pension and insurance benefit program for […]
Any employer that has not elected to affiliate with the fire and police pension association relating to an old hire plan established pursuant to this article may offer to the active old hire members of such plan the option of converting to a money purchase plan. Such option shall be available on an individual basis […]
Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, moneys of exempt alternative plans that are not affiliated with the fire and police pension association under section 31-31-706 may be managed and invested by the trustees of such plans pursuant to the standard and other provisions for trustees set forth in the “Colorado Uniform Prudent […]