Any municipality in this state, for the purpose of supplying said municipality and the inhabitants thereof with water, has the power under this part 1: To purchase or lease any canal or ditch constructed, with all the rights, privileges, and franchises of any person owning or having any interest in or right to the same, […]
The management of any ditch or canal acquired pursuant to section 31-35-101 shall be under the control of the governing body of such acquiring municipality. Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1245, § 1, effective July 1. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 31-35-102 as it existed prior to 1975.
The registered electors of any city or town may elect at a special election held for that purpose three trustees to constitute a board to have the care, operation, management, and control of waterworks owned or acquired by the city or town, subject to the conditions of sections 31-35-104 to 31-35-111. Source: L. 75: Entire […]
If, at the election provided in section 31-35-111, the majority of votes cast are for the board of trustees, the mayor shall issue a call for a special election of such board of trustees, to be conducted by the clerk in accordance with the provisions of section 31-35-106 and the “Colorado Municipal Election Code of […]
No person not a resident and owner of realty within the city or town for the period of at least one year next preceding his election and residing in that part or district of the city or town for which the board of trustees is to be elected shall be eligible for election as a […]
The regular election for electing trustees under the provisions of this part 1, after the first election to be called by the mayor, shall be held biennially on the first Tuesday in June; but if the entire city or town is included within the jurisdiction of such board of trustees, the election may be held […]
The first board of trustees elected pursuant to this part 1 shall be elected as follows: One for the period of two years, one for the period of four years, and one for the period of six years; and, at the end of each term, a board member shall be elected for a term of […]
No members of the board of trustees shall have any authority to act on behalf of the board except in pursuance of an order regularly made at a meeting of the board. No action of the board shall be binding unless authorized by a majority of the trustees at a regular meeting or a duly […]
The board of trustees shall make, twice a year, on June 1 and December 1, a full and complete statement in detail of all moneys collected and expended by it during the preceding six months and of the condition of the waterworks under its control. The statement shall be published at least one time in […]
The board of trustees shall render each year, before the making by the governing body of its annual appropriations, a statement to the governing body of the estimated amount, to be raised by taxation, required by such board for the proper maintenance and care of said waterworks during the next succeeding fiscal year, which amount […]
Before the people of any city or town or part or district of any city or town can avail themselves of the provisions of this section and of sections 31-35-104 to 31-35-110, the question to determine their wishes shall first be submitted to the registered electors of said city or town or part or district […]