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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 31 - Government - Municipal » Article 35 - Water and Sewage » Part 7 - Sewer Rates - Area Outside Cities or Towns

§ 31-35-701. Cities or Towns May Provide Service Outside Boundaries

Any city or town owning an established sewerage system may, by ordinance, fix just, reasonable, and necessary rates for the connection with and use of the sewerage system, directly or indirectly, by owners of property situated in unincorporated territory without the boundaries of said city or town. Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1267, […]

§ 31-35-702. Governing Body Agency of State

The governing body of such city or town is declared and determined to be an agency of the state of Colorado for the sole purpose of securing to owners of property situated in unincorporated territory without the boundaries of such city or town adequate sewerage service at just and reasonable rates and for the performance […]

§ 31-35-703. Publication of Ordinance

Notice of such rates shall be given by publication of the ordinance fixing the same, to which publication there shall be appended a special notice to owners of property in unincorporated territory without the boundaries of said city or town and using the sewerage system especially directing attention to said ordinance. Source: L. 75: Entire […]

§ 31-35-704. Contents of Ordinance

Such ordinance and notice shall be published in conformity to law with reference to the times and publication of ordinances of such city or town. The ordinance shall contain a description of the property, the names of the owners thereof, as near as may be, and the annual rate charged to each such property for […]

§ 31-35-705. Protest – Board of Adjustment

Any owner of property affected by the terms of said ordinance may protest in writing to the governing body of such city or town as to the amount of the rate affecting such property at any time within two weeks after the first publication of said ordinance and notice. The governing body shall sit as […]

§ 31-35-706. Continuing Annual Charges

The rates and charges so established shall be annual charges and shall be continuing annual charges from year to year until such ordinance is amended or repealed. The use of said sewerage system on or after the passage of said ordinance shall be conclusive evidence of the assent of the owner of the property to […]

§ 31-35-707. Date and Place of Payment

Such ordinance shall provide, among other things, that the rates so established per annum may be paid before October 1 of each year, at the offices of the municipal treasurer, and after said day payment thereof shall be delinquent. Source: L. 75: Entire title R&RE, p. 1268, § 1, effective July 1. Editor’s note: This […]

§ 31-35-708. Nonpayment – Penalty – Lien

In the event any person using said sewerage system neglects, fails, or refuses to pay when due the rates and charges as fixed by said ordinance, the property of such delinquent person shall not be disconnected from said sewerage system or denied the use thereof, but the rates and charges due and unpaid therefor shall […]

§ 31-35-709. Voluntary Discontinuance by Owner

Nothing in this part 7 shall deny any property owner affected by such ordinance voluntary discontinuance of the service of such sewerage system. Such discontinuance of service shall be evidenced by disconnection of said property from said sewer system and not otherwise. In the event of such discontinuance, it is the duty of the governing […]

§ 31-35-710. Duty to Maintain System

Nothing in this part 7 shall impose upon any such city or town the duty of maintaining sewers or a sewerage system not owned by it or required for the use of its inhabitants. Such city or town shall maintain, during the life of the ordinance provided for in section 31-35-701, its own sewerage system […]

§ 31-35-711. Rates May Be Collected by Action

Rates imposed upon property which by reason of its ownership, character, or use is not subject to taxation or lien under the state constitution and laws of this state may be collected by any appropriate legal action begun in the district court in the county in which such property is located. Source: L. 75: Entire […]

§ 31-35-712. Owner to Obtain Permit – Penalty

[ Editor’s note: This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022. ] Any person making or causing to be made a connection of sewers serving property in any unincorporated territory, directly or indirectly, with a sewerage system of any city or town without a permit from said city or town and after […]