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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 31 - Government - Municipal » Article 4 - Organizational Structure and Officers » Part 3 - Organizational Structure and Officers of Statutory Towns

§ 31-4-301. Mayor – Board of Trustees – Election – Compensation

The legislative and corporate authority of towns shall be vested in a board of trustees, consisting of one mayor and six trustees, who shall be registered electors who have resided within the limits of the town for a period of at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the date of the election; except that, in […]

§ 31-4-301.5. Change in Number of Trustees

The trustees of any statutory town may be reduced in number from six to four or again increased from four to six in the manner provided in this section. When a petition signed by five percent of the registered electors of the town requesting an election for the purpose of reducing the number of trustees […]

§ 31-4-302. Mayor – Powers

The mayor or, in his absence, one of the trustees, who may be elected mayor pro tem, shall preside at all meetings of the board of trustees and shall have the same voting powers as any member of said board. The mayor shall be considered a member of the governing body and the board of […]

§ 31-4-303. Trustees to Fill Vacancy – Mayor Pro Tem – Clerk Pro Tem

The board of trustees has the power, by appointment, to fill all vacancies in the board or any other office, and the person so appointed shall hold his office until the next regular election and until his successor is elected and has complied with section 31-4-401. The board also has the power to fill a […]

§ 31-4-304. Appointment of Officers – Compensation

The board of trustees shall appoint a clerk, treasurer, and town attorney, or shall provide by ordinance for the election of such officers, and may appoint such other officers, including a town administrator, as it deems necessary for the good government of the corporation, and it shall prescribe by ordinance their duties when the same […]

§ 31-4-305. Clerk – Duties

The clerk shall attend all meetings of the board of trustees and make a true and accurate record of all the proceedings, rules, and ordinances made and passed by the board of trustees. Records of the town shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times and under reasonable regulations established by the town as […]

§ 31-4-306. Marshal or Chief of Police – Powers and Duties

The marshal or chief of police has the same power that sheriffs have by law, coextensive with the county in cases of violation of town ordinances, for offenses committed within the limits of the town. He or she shall execute all writs and processes directed to him or her by the municipal judge in any […]

§ 31-4-307. Removal of Officers – Causes – Notice

By a majority vote of all members of the board of trustees, the mayor, the clerk, the treasurer, any member of the board, or any other officer of the town may be removed from office. No such removal shall be made without a charge in writing and an opportunity of hearing being given unless the […]