This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Pesticide Applicators’ Act”. Source: L. 90: Entire article R&RE, p. 1576, § 1, effective May 31. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 35-10-101 as it existed prior to 1990.
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that pesticides perform a valuable function in controlling insects, rodents, weeds, and other forms of life which may be injurious to crops, livestock, and other desirable forms of plant and animal life, to structures, and to individuals. The general assembly further finds and declares that pesticides contain toxic […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Certified operator” means an individual who applies any restricted-use pesticides for a commercial applicator, registered limited commercial applicator, or registered public applicator, without the on-site supervision of a qualified supervisor and that should be licensed pursuant to section 35-10-114. “Commercial applicator” means any person, other […]
Any person who uses or supervises the use of any pesticide or device in the state of Colorado shall be subject to this article and to any rules adopted pursuant thereto. (Deleted by amendment, L. 2006, p. 1260 , § 2, effective January 1, 2007.) Source: L. 90: Entire article R&RE, p. 1578, § 1, […]
Any person acting as a commercial applicator must possess a valid commercial applicator business license issued by the commissioner in accordance with this article and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. A commercial applicator business license may only be issued for the class or subclass of pesticide application in which the qualified supervisor employed […]
As requisites for licensure, the applicant for a commercial applicator business license shall: Obtain liability insurance in the minimum amount of four hundred thousand dollars with the provision that such policy shall not be canceled unless written notice is provided to the commissioner at least ten days prior to such cancellation; except that liability insurance […]
Each commercial applicator shall make an application to renew its business license on or before the expiration date of the license. Said application shall be in the form and manner prescribed by the commissioner and shall be accompanied by the renewal fee. If the application for renewal is not received on or before the expiration […]
Commercial applicators shall include a statement in conspicuous type on each customer invoice that indicates that commercial applicators are licensed by the department. Said statement shall be exactly prescribed by rule adopted by the commissioner. Source: L. 90: Entire article R&RE, p. 1580, § 1, effective May 31.
A business license is not required for limited commercial or public applicators; except that the commissioner shall require such applicators that apply restricted-use pesticides to register with the department. The commissioner shall determine the form and manner of the registration, as well as the amount of any administrative fees associated with the registration. A limited […]
For each class or subclass of pesticide application a registered limited commercial or registered public applicator applies, the applicator shall employ at least one qualified supervisor who is licensed in that class or subclass of pesticide application or shall secure the services of such qualified supervisor by documented agreement. Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, […]
Each commercial, registered limited commercial, licensed private, and registered public applicator shall keep and maintain records of each pesticide application in the form and manner designated by the commissioner. The applicator shall retain the records for three years after the date of the pesticide application; except that the record retention period for private applicators is […]
The commissioner shall promulgate rules for the establishment of a registry of pesticide-sensitive persons to be maintained by the department. Pesticide-sensitive persons may apply to be placed on the registry if they can provide proof of medical justification by a physician licensed in Colorado in the form and manner prescribed by the commissioner. The proof […]
The general assembly hereby determines that: The citizens of this state benefit from a system of safe, effective, and scientifically sound pesticide regulation; A system of pesticide regulation that is consistent and coordinated, that creates statewide uniform standards, and that conforms with both state and federal technical standards and requirements is essential to the public […]
Any individual acting as a qualified supervisor must possess a valid qualified supervisor license issued by the commissioner in accordance with this article and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Source: L. 90: Entire article R&RE, p. 1582, § 1, effective May 31. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 35-10-105 as […]
Any individual acting as a certified operator shall possess a valid certified operator license issued by the commissioner in accordance with this article and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Source: L. 90: Entire article R&RE, p. 1582, § 1, effective May 31. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 1377, § 5, effective July […]
Any private applicator who uses or supervises the use of a restricted-use pesticide shall possess a valid private applicator license issued by the commissioner in accordance with this article and any rules adopted pursuant to this article. An unlicensed private applicator may use a restricted-use pesticide under the supervision of a licensed private applicator for […]
Each applicant for a qualified supervisor, certified operator, or private applicator license shall: Pass a written examination in each class or subclass of pesticide application, or device use, in which he or she wishes to be licensed; Possess the degree of experience and any other qualifications which may be required by the commissioner for licensure […]
Licenses issued pursuant to section 35-10-115 shall be valid for a period determined by the commissioner, but the duration of such license shall not exceed three years. A licensee licensed pursuant to section 35-10-115 may have the option to apply to renew a license without further examination if he has completed, within the previous three […]
Unless otherwise authorized by law, it is unlawful and a violation of this article for any person: To perform any of the acts for which licensure as a commercial applicator, qualified supervisor, certified operator, or private applicator is required without possessing a valid license to do so; To hold oneself out as being so qualified […]
It is unlawful and a violation of this article for a licensed private applicator: To make false or misleading representations or statements of fact in any license, application, record, or report required by this article or any rules adopted pursuant thereto; To fail to maintain or submit any records or reports required by this article […]