§ 35-3-101. Short Title
This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Agricultural Conservation and Adjustment Act”. Source: L. 37: p. 257, § 1. CSA: C. 5, § 61. CRS 53: § 6-3-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 6-3-1.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Agricultural Conservation and Adjustment Act”. Source: L. 37: p. 257, § 1. CSA: C. 5, § 61. CRS 53: § 6-3-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 6-3-1.
It is recognized and declared: That the soil resources and fertility of the land of this state, and the economic use thereof, the prosperity of the farming population of this state, and the waters of the rivers of this state, and the prevention of floods are matters affected with a public interest; That the welfare […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Other states of the United States” includes Puerto Rico. “Person” includes an individual, corporation, partnership, firm, business trust, joint stock company, association, syndicate, group, pool, joint venture, and any other unincorporated association or group. Source: L. 37: p. 259, § 3. CSA: C. 5, § […]
The department of agriculture, referred to in this article as the “department”, is designated and authorized as the state agency to carry out the policy and purposes of this article and to formulate and administer state plans pursuant to the terms of this article. The department shall perform its duties and functions as such agency […]
The department is authorized to formulate for each calendar year and to submit to the secretary of agriculture of the United States, for and in the name of this state, a state plan for carrying out the purposes of this article during such calendar year. The department is authorized to modify or revise any such […]
The department is authorized to receive on behalf of this state all grants of money or other aid made available from any source to assist the state in carrying out the policy and purposes of this article. All such money or other aid, together with any moneys appropriated or other provision made by this state […]
The department shall utilize such available services and assistance of other state agencies and of voluntary county and community committees and associations of agricultural producers as it determines to be necessary or calculated to assist substantially in the effective administration of this article. The department has authority to make such rules and regulations, consistent with […]
The department shall designate within the state five agricultural districts. As far as practicable, such districts shall be so constituted as to contain approximately equal numbers of agricultural producers. Such districts shall include in the aggregate all of the land in the state. The department shall also designate within each county of this state such […]
The department by regulations shall provide: For the organization within each community of a voluntary association, in which all agricultural producers who are citizens of this state and residents in such community shall be entitled to equal participation; for the selection by each such association of a community committee, composed of three members of such […]
The administrative officer within the department charged with administration of this article shall report to the commissioner at such times and on such matters as the commissioner may require. Publications made pursuant to this article and circulated in quantity outside the department are subject to the approval and control of the commissioner. Source: L. 37: […]