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§ 35-36-301. Legislative Declaration

The general assembly hereby declares that farm products are commodities affected with a public interest and thus should be regulated for the protection of both the producer and the consumer. Source: L. 2020: Entire article amended with relocations, (HB 20-1213), ch. 160, p. 741, § 2, effective June 29. Editor’s note: This section is similar […]

§ 35-36-302. Application for License – Rules

A person shall not act as a dealer, small-volume dealer, or agent without having obtained a license as provided in this part 3. Every person acting as a dealer, small-volume dealer, or agent shall file an application in writing with the commissioner for a license to transact the business of dealer, small-volume dealer, or agent, […]

§ 35-36-303. License Fee – Renewal – Rules

For filing the application described in section 35-36-302, each applicant for a license in each of the following categories shall pay to the commissioner a fee as determined by the commission, which fee shall be transmitted to the state treasurer for credit to the inspection and consumer services cash fund created in section 35-1-106.5: Dealers; […]

§ 35-36-304. Bonds and Irrevocable Letters of Credit – Exemptions

Before the commissioner may issue a license to a dealer, the applicant shall file with the commissioner in the sum of not less than two thousand dollars nor more than one million dollars, at the discretion of the commissioner: A bond executed by the applicant as principal and by a surety company qualified and authorized […]

§ 35-36-305. Investigations, Hearings, and Examinations

For the purpose of enforcing this part 3, the commissioner may receive complaints from persons against a dealer, small-volume dealer, agent, or person assuming or attempting to act as a dealer, small-volume dealer, or agent and, upon the receipt of a complaint, may make any and all necessary investigations relative to the complaint. The commissioner […]

§ 35-36-306. Disciplinary Powers – Licenses

The commissioner may deny an application for a license, refuse to renew a license, revoke or suspend a license, or place a licensee on probation, as the case may require, if the licensee or applicant has: Violated this part 3 or section 35-36-104 or violated any of the rules promulgated by the commissioner pursuant to […]

§ 35-36-307. Credit Sale Contracts – Rules

When a dealer or small-volume dealer purchases farm products for which payment has not been made, the dealer or small-volume dealer, within thirty days after the receipt of the farm products, shall provide the producer or owner of the farm products with a credit sale contract. The credit sale contract must contain the following information: […]

§ 35-36-308. Records of Dealers

Every dealer handling farm products for a consignor having received any farm products on commission for sale shall promptly make and keep a correct record, showing in detail the following with reference to the handling, sale, or storage of the farm products: The name and address of the consignor; The date received; The condition and […]

§ 35-36-309. Records of Small-Volume Dealers

Each small-volume dealer shall maintain records of all aspects of each purchase of farm products in the form and manner required by the commissioner. Source: L. 2020: Entire article amended with relocations, (HB 20-1213), ch. 160, p. 750, § 2, effective June 29. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 35-37-113 as it […]

§ 35-36-310. Daily Reports and Settlements

When requested by a dealer’s consignor, the dealer, before the close of the next business day following the sale of any farm products consigned to the dealer, shall transmit or deliver to the owner or consignor a true written report of the sale, showing the amount sold and the selling price. The dealer shall make […]

§ 35-36-311. Pooled Consignment

Local produce or fruit associations or other shippers located in the neighborhood where farm products are grown may receive a reasonable compensation for loading, shipping, and securing persons to handle the products on commission in markets away from the locality where grown. Dealers receiving consignments of farm products from a number of consignors under written […]

§ 35-36-312. Enforcement

Whenever, upon sufficient evidence satisfactory to the commissioner, the commissioner determines a person has engaged in or is about to engage in an act or practice constituting a violation of this part 3 or of any rule or order promulgated under this article 36, the commissioner may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to […]

§ 35-36-313. Unlawful Acts – Definition

It is unlawful and a violation of this part 3 for any person to: Make fraudulent charges or returns for the handling, sale, or storage or for the rendering of any service in connection with the handling, sale, or storage of farm products. Violation of this subsection (1)(a) is a class 6 felony. Willfully fail […]

§ 35-36-314. Penalties for Theft of Farm Products

If farm products are contracted for sale to an out-of-state purchaser, the purchaser is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state in accordance with section 13-1-124 (1)(a). The seller is entitled to all remedies at law in seeking the return of the farm products when the purchaser takes delivery of the products […]