As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires: “Cattle” includes cattle in the field or on the range, but not in feed lots. “Owners of sheep and cattle” means the owners of sheep and cattle in the field or on the range, but shall not include the owners of sheep and cattle […]
For the protection of sheep against predatory animals, the board of county commissioners of any county, upon the recommendation of an association of sheep growers in the county, has power, either alone or in conjunction with other counties, to conduct a predatory animal control program for the protection of sheep in such county. Source: L. […]
For the protection of cattle against predatory animals, the board of county commissioners of any county, upon the recommendation of an association of cattle growers in the county, has power, either alone or in conjunction with other counties, to conduct a predatory animal control program for the protection of cattle in such county. Source: L. […]
The owners of at least fifty-one percent of the sheep, or the owners of at least fifty-one percent of the cattle, or the owners of at least fifty-one percent of both sheep and cattle acting jointly in the county, as shown by the assessment rolls of the last preceding assessment, may petition the board of […]
To defray the expense of the protection afforded by a program established under the provisions of this part 2, the board of county commissioners of any county has the power to require all owners or persons in possession of any cattle, one year old or over, to pay a license fee not exceeding thirty cents […]
All furs and skins of predatory animals taken as a result of the expenditure of the predatory animal control fund shall be sold, and the proceeds of such sale deposited in said predatory animal control fund for use in carrying out the purposes of this part 2. Source: L. 61: p. 184, § 5. CRS […]
The program established by this part 2 shall be in addition to the predatory animal control program established by part 1 of this article. Source: L. 61: p. 184, § 6. CRS 53: § 8-7-25. C.R.S. 1963: § 8-7-24.