It is lawful to mark cattle and horses with the owner’s brand. When animals are brought into this state from another state or a territory in transit from beyond the boundaries of this state, the brand, or a copy thereof, duly certified to by the proper officer in each state or territory, shall be received […]
Animals which are usually branded may be branded on either side with the owner’s brand. No evidence of ownership by brands shall be permitted in any court in this state unless the brands are recorded as provided in section 35-43-105. Each drove of cattle or sheep which may be driven into or through any county […]
Any stock grower of this state may adopt and use an earmark. Such earmark shall be taken in evidence, in connection with the owner’s recorded brand, in all suits at law or in equity in which the title to stock is involved. The earmark shall be made by cutting and shaping the ear of the […]
No brand shall be used by more than one person, association, or corporation, nor shall any brand be recorded in this state elsewhere than in the office of the state board of stock inspection commissioners, except as provided in section 35-43-107. Source: L. 13: p. 142, § 2. C.L. § 3120. CSA: C. 160, § […]
Any person, association, or corporation desiring to adopt a brand, not then being the recorded brand of another person, association, or corporation, shall forward to the state board of stock inspection commissioners a facsimile of the desired brand, together with a written application to adopt such brand, and shall accompany the same with a fee […]
Upon the recording of any brand, the owner thereof shall be entitled to one certified copy of the record of such brand from the state board of stock inspection commissioners, the certificate to be signed by the brand commissioner or the secretary of the board. Additional certified copies of said record may be obtained by […]
It is unlawful for the county clerk and recorder of any county in this state to record any brand, unless previously recorded in the office of the state board of stock inspection commissioners. Source: L. 13: p. 143, § 5. C.L. § 3123. CSA: C. 160, § 7. CRS 53: § 8-2-7. C.R.S. 1963: § […]
It is the duty of the state board of stock inspection commissioners, from time to time as it may be necessary, to cause to be published in book form a list of all brands on record at the time of such publication. The board, at its discretion, may cause to be issued a supplement to […]
Any brand recorded shall be the property of the person, association, or corporation causing such record to be made and shall be subject to sale, assignment, transfer, devise, and descent as personal property. Instruments of writing evidencing the sale of such brand, assignment, or transfer shall be recorded by the state board of stock inspection […]
In all suits at law or in equity or in any criminal proceeding when the title to animals is involved or proper to be proved, the certified copy provided for in section 35-43-106 shall be prima facie evidence of the ownership of such animal by the person whose brand it may be. Proof of the […]
Any owner of sheep or hogs may use an earmark, tag, or brand to designate ownership of and title to the same, which shall be subject to the provisions of this article in respect to brands. Source: L. 13: p. 145, § 10. C.L. § 3127. CSA: C. 160, § 11. CRS 53: § 8-2-11. […]
Owners of animals other than sheep or hogs in this state may use earmarks, and these earmarks shall be taken in evidence in connection with the owner’s recorded brand in all suits at law or in equity or in any criminal proceedings when the title to such property is involved or proper to be proved. […]
Upon the first of every month or as soon thereafter as possible, the state board of stock inspection commissioners shall cause to be exhibited in the office of the county clerk and recorder in all counties in the state and post, when permissible, in Colorado licensed livestock markets a list showing all the brands and […]
All fees and money collected by the state board of stock inspection commissioners shall be deposited in the brand inspection fund unless otherwise provided by law. The board shall prepare and transmit annually, in the form and manner prescribed by the heads of the principal departments pursuant to the provisions of section 24-1-136, C.R.S., a […]
To revise and disencumber the brand records of unused brands and to provide revenues with which to publish new brand books and otherwise assist in the operational cost of the division of brand inspection, the state board of stock inspection commissioners has the authority to impose an assessment and, when applicable, a late fee in […]
Any brand that has been canceled for nonpayment of the assessment pursuant to section 35-43-115 (1) and that, as of June 30 of any assessment year, has remained unclaimed for at least five years since the date of cancellation shall be presumed abandoned, and all claims or interests in such brand shall be deemed forfeited. […]
If any person, association, or corporation willfully and knowingly brands, or causes to be branded, an animal which is the property of another with his or her brand or any brand which is not the recorded brand of the owner or willfully and knowingly effaces, defaces, or obliterates any brand or mark upon such an […]
Any person who brands or marks, or causes to be branded or marked, any animal which is the property of another with his brand or any brand which is not the recorded brand of the owner or effaces, defaces, or obliterates any brand or mark upon any animal is guilty of theft and, upon conviction […]
All neat cattle and horses found running at large in this state without a mother and upon which there is neither mark nor brand shall be deemed a maverick and shall be sold to the highest bidder for cash at such time and place and under such rules and orders as the state board of […]
When the stock of any resident intermixes with any drove of animals, it is the duty of any drovers or persons in charge to cut out and separate such stock from said drove immediately, except in case of sheep and horses, which shall be driven to the nearest suitable corral to be separated. Any person, […]