As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Estray” means any bovine animal, horse, mule, ass, or alternative livestock as defined in section 35-41.5-102 (1) found running at large upon public or private lands in the state of Colorado whose owner is either known or unknown in the section where found or which […]
No person shall take into his custody an estray animal unless the same is found trespassing upon lands owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by him. The state board of stock inspection commissioners or an authorized brand inspector representing said board has authority to move such estray animal to a safe and practical place within the […]
Upon receiving notice that any person has taken into his custody any estray animal, it is the duty of the state board of stock inspection commissioners to make or cause to be made an examination of the state brand records, and if from this record the name of the owner or probable owner can be […]
If the brand commissioner appointed by the state board of stock inspection commissioners is unable to determine from the brand records and description who is the owner or probable owner of any reported estrays, he shall cause notice showing a facsimile of the brand and other identifying characteristics carried by the estray to be posted […]
If said estray animal is not claimed within ten days after the posting of estray notice, it shall be sold by the state board of stock inspection commissioners, through an authorized brand inspector of the board, in such manner as the board may direct. It is the duty of the brand inspector making such sale […]
The brand inspector making the sale of such estray shall return the proceeds of such sale to the state board of stock inspection commissioners, who shall pay the expenses incurred in taking into custody, holding, advertising, and selling such animal, and place the balance in the estray fund of said board, making a record of […]
When any person takes into his custody any estray animal and sends a description of the same to the state board of stock inspection commissioners, said person shall be entitled to hold same lawfully until relieved of its custody by the state board of stock inspection commissioners. Should a claimant for said animal apply to […]
It is unlawful for any person other than an authorized inspector of the state board of stock inspection commissioners to take into custody or retain possession of any estray, except as provided in section 35-44-107. Any person who takes into custody and retains possession of any estray without notifying the state board of stock inspection […]
It is the duty of the state board of stock inspection commissioners to designate a livestock newspaper, of general circulation among the cattle and horse owners of the state, as the official state livestock paper, wherein all estray notices and advertisements of estrays may be legally made. In case of a change being made in […]
Nothing in this article shall be construed to repeal any of the laws now in effect in regard to the impounding of estray animals by municipalities. Source: L. 03: p. 219, § 10. R.S. 08: § 6435. C.L. § 3239. CSA: C. 160, § 156. CRS 53: § 8-4-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 8-4-10.
Any person who conceals any estray found or taken into his or her custody, or effaces or changes any mark or brand thereon, or carries the same beyond the limits of the county where found, or knowingly permits the same to be done, or neglects to notify or give information of estrays to the state […]
The state board of stock inspection commissioners shall have the charge and control of all livestock abandoned or neglected by the owners thereof, and any officer or agent of the state board of stock inspection commissioners may take charge of any such stock or animals found abandoned or neglected. The state board of stock inspection […]
If the owners of any animals or livestock found abandoned or neglected, as provided for in section 35-44-112, are unknown to the state board of stock inspection commissioners, its officers, or agents, the notice required by section 35-44-112 shall be given by publishing the same as provided for in the case of animals or livestock […]
In any instance where the board determines that an animal is not an alternative livestock, any dispute as to ownership shall be decided by the parks and wildlife commission created in section 33-9-101, C.R.S. Source: L. 94: Entire section added, p. 1710, § 9, effective July 1. L. 2012: Entire section amended, (HB 12-1317), ch. […]