The keepers of bulls, rams, and boars, in this state, have liens upon the get of such animals for the space of one year from the birth of same, for payment of service of such bull, ram, or boar. Source: L. 1879: p. 190, § 1. G.S. § 3193. R.S. 08: § 6445. C.L. § […]
Section 35-48-101 shall not apply to a bona fide purchaser without notice of the lien. Source: L. 1879: p. 190, § 2. G.S. § 3194. R.S. 08: § 6446. C.L. § 3270. CSA: C. 160, § 200. CRS 53: § 8-9-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 8-9-9.
It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to permit any inferior bull over the age of one year or any inferior ram over the age of two months to run at large in this state. Any bull shall be considered an inferior bull that is not registered or eligible for registration as a […]
It is lawful for any stock grower to castrate or cause to be castrated any inferior animal found running at large; but, if any person castrates any animal belonging to another, without permission, and on proper evidence before any competent court it is proved to the satisfaction of said court that such animal was not […]