No person, whether as principal or agent, shall sell or otherwise dispose of any livestock, nor shall any person, whether as principal or agent, buy, purchase, or otherwise receive any such livestock, unless the person so selling or disposing of any such livestock gives, and the person buying, purchasing, or otherwise receiving any such livestock […]
[ Editor’s note: This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022. ] Any person who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of section 35-54-101 is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than […]
A duly executed bill of sale is an instrument in writing by which the legal owner or authorized agent transfers to the buyer the title of livestock therein described and guarantees to defend said title against all lawful claims. It shall definitely describe the animal sold as follows: Horses or mules, age, color, and sex, […]
It is the duty of any person who purchases or receives, or has in his possession, any such livestock, either for himself or for another, to exhibit, on reasonable request to any person inquiring therefor, the bill of sale of such livestock, if in his power to do so, and if not in his power […]
Any person who sells or offers for sale or trades any livestock upon which such person has not his recorded mark or brand, or for which the person so offering has neither bill of sale nor power of attorney from the owner of such livestock authorizing such sale, is guilty of theft, unless such person […]
No partido or share contract, whereby livestock is delivered to be kept on shares for a period of time at the end of which they, or an equal or similar number, or any number thereof, are to be returned, whatever the specific terms of said contract may be, shall be valid, except as between the […]