As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Livestock” means horses, mules, cattle, burros, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, and alternative livestock as defined in section 35-41.5-102 (1). “Public livestock market” means any place, establishment, or facility, commonly known as a livestock market, conducted or operated for compensation or profit as a public livestock […]
Any person, partnership, or corporation may procure a license to establish and operate, for a term of one year, a public livestock market within the state of Colorado by making written application to the state board of stock inspection commissioners. The application must provide the following: The name and address of the applicant, and the […]
No person shall engage in the operation of a public livestock market within the state of Colorado without first procuring a license from the state board of stock inspection commissioners and paying a fee prescribed by the board in an amount sufficient to cover the administrative costs of the licensing provisions of this article. The […]
No license or renewal of license to establish a public livestock market within the state of Colorado may be issued until the applicant has filed evidence of a savings account, deposit, or certificate of deposit meeting the requirements of section 11-35-101, C.R.S., or executed and delivered to this state a surety bond approved and accepted […]
A certified copy of an issued license may be procured by the holder of the original upon payment of a fee of one dollar therefor, and the original or certified copy of said license shall be posted during sale periods in a conspicuous place on the premises where the public livestock market is conducted. Source: […]
The state board of stock inspection commissioners may adopt, publish, and enforce rules and regulations necessary for the administration of this article. Source: L. 49: p. 699, § 6. CSA: C. 160, § 209(23). CRS 53: § 8-11-6. C.R.S. 1963: § 8-11-6. Cross references: For rule-making procedures, see article 4 of title 24.
Any violation of the provisions of this article 55 or of any rule adopted and published by the state board of stock inspection commissioners is deemed sufficient cause for the state board of stock inspection commissioners to revoke or suspend the license of the offending operator of the public livestock market or to place on […]
The state board of stock inspection commissioners, upon its own motion on the basis of reasonable cause or upon the complaint in writing of any person, shall investigate the activities of any licensed livestock market operator or any person who assumes to act in such capacity within the state. Based on the findings of such […]
Every public livestock market shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Source: L. 49: p. 700, § 9. CSA: C. 160, § 209(26). CRS 53: § 8-11-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 8-11-9. L. 65: p. 237, § 8. L. 2019: Entire section amended, (SB 19-150), ch. 241, p. 2371, § 6, effective May 20.
All scales used in the operation of public livestock markets shall come under and be controlled by Colorado’s weights and measures laws. Source: L. 49: p. 700, § 10. CSA: C. 160, § 209(27). CRS 53: § 8-11-10. C.R.S. 1963: § 8-11-10. L. 65: p. 237, § 9. Cross references: For Colorado’s weights and measures […]
Operators of all public livestock markets shall keep on file an accurate record of the date on which a consignment of animals was received and sold, together with the name and address of the buyer and seller, the number and species of the animals received and sold, and the marks and brands on each animal. […]
All cattle, horses, mules, and burros, upon entering a public livestock market, shall be inspected for iron brands, earmarks, and other identifying characteristics before being offered for sale. A bill of sale signed by the recorded owner of the brands or no brands or an account of sale showing the brands or no brands on […]
An accredited and licensed veterinarian shall inspect all livestock consigned and delivered on the premises of any licensed public livestock market before the livestock are offered for sale. The veterinarian shall inspect or test, as indicated or required, animals consigned to the public livestock market for the purpose of determining their condition of health and […]
The operator of each public livestock market in this state shall warrant to the purchaser thereof the title of all livestock sold through his public livestock market and shall be liable to the rightful owner thereof for the net proceeds in cash received for such livestock so sold. It is the further duty of such […]
All license fees collected from public livestock markets shall be deposited with the state treasurer and shall be placed in the brand inspection fund by the state treasurer for use of the board in paying ordinary expenses of the state board of stock inspection commissioners. Source: L. 49: p. 703, § 15. CSA: C. 160, […]
All dispersal sales made at public livestock markets shall meet the requirements prescribed for other livestock passing through such markets. Source: L. 49: p. 703, § 16. CSA: C. 160, § 209(33). CRS 53: § 8-11-16. C.R.S. 1963: § 8-11-16. L. 65: p. 240, § 15.
[ Editor’s note: This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022. ] Any person, partnership, or corporation who violates any provision or requirement of this article or any rule or regulation adopted by the state board of stock inspection commissioners is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor, and any person, partnership, or […]
The state board of stock inspection commissioners is empowered to determine summarily whether an applicant for a license to establish and operate a public livestock market meets the requirements set forth in this article or whether there is probable cause to believe that an applicant has committed any of the acts set forth in section […]
This article 55 is repealed, effective September 1, 2034. Before the repeal, the licensing of public livestock markets is scheduled for review in accordance with section 24-34-104. Source: L. 88: Entire section added, p. 933, § 31, effective April 28. L. 91: Entire section amended, p. 170, § 9, effective July 1. L. 2001: Entire […]