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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 35 - Agriculture » Article 57.5 - Colorado Sheep and Wool Authority

§ 35-57.5-101. Short Title

This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Sheep and Wool Authority Act”. Source: L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 1838, § 1, effective July 1. Editor’s note: The former § 35-57.5-101 was relocated to § 35-57.5-102 in 1993.

§ 35-57.5-102. Legislative Declaration

It is hereby declared to be in the interest of the public welfare that owners of sheep be authorized and encouraged to act jointly and in cooperation in promoting and stimulating, by research, education, advertising, and other methods, the increased and efficient production, distribution, use, and sale of sheep and sheep products. It is the […]

§ 35-57.5-103. Definitions

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Authority” means the Colorado sheep and wool authority created by section 35-57.5-104 (1). (1.5) “Board” or “sheep and wool board” means the Colorado sheep and wool board. “Commissioner” means the commissioner of agriculture. “Feeder” means a person who commercially feeds sheep that are purchased from […]

§ 35-57.5-104. Colorado Sheep and Wool Authority – Creation

There is hereby created the Colorado sheep and wool authority, which shall be a body corporate and a political subdivision of the state. The authority shall not be an agency of state government, nor shall it be subject to administrative direction by any state agency except: As provided in this article; For purposes of the […]

§ 35-57.5-105. Colorado Sheep and Wool Board – Creation

The powers of the authority shall be vested in the Colorado sheep and wool board, which is hereby created, which shall be composed of twelve members and twelve alternates who raise, breed, grow, or feed sheep and wool or lambs for sheep production. The board members and alternates shall be appointed as follows: One member […]

§ 35-57.5-106. Qualifications of Members and Alternates

Each member and alternate of the board shall have the following qualifications, which shall continue during such person’s term of office: The person shall be a citizen of the United States. The person shall be a bona fide resident of the state of Colorado and reside or maintain a principal place of business in the […]

§ 35-57.5-107. Terms of Members and Alternates

The appointments of members and alternates to the Colorado sheep and wool board shall be made on or before July 1, 1997. Four members shall be appointed for terms of one year, four members shall be appointed for terms of two years, and four members shall be appointed for terms of three years. Thereafter, all […]

§ 35-57.5-108. Declaring Office of Member or Alternate Vacant

The commissioner shall immediately declare the office of any member or alternate of the board vacant whenever the commissioner finds that: The member or alternate no longer is actively engaged in the production of sheep; the member or alternate has become a resident of another state; or the member or alternate is unable to perform […]

§ 35-57.5-109. Removal of Member or Alternate

The commissioner may remove any member or alternate of the board for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. Such member or alternate shall be entitled to a public hearing before the board with the commissioner presiding, after service upon the member or alternate ten days before the hearing of a copy of the […]

§ 35-57.5-110. Expenses of Members, Alternates, and Employees

Members, alternates, officers, and employees of the board may receive compensation for actual and necessary travel and other actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. The board shall adopt uniform and reasonable regulations governing the incurring and paying of such expenses. Source: L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 1841, § […]

§ 35-57.5-111. Meeting Place

The board shall establish a meeting place anywhere within this state, but the selection of the location shall be guided by consideration for the convenience of a majority of those most likely to have business with the board or to be affected by its acts. Source: L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 1842, […]

§ 35-57.5-112. Meetings

The first board appointed shall meet as soon as practicable for the purpose of organizing. It shall elect a chairman from among its members and a secretary-treasurer who may or may not be from among its members. It shall adopt a general statement of policy for guidance and shall transact such other business as is […]

§ 35-57.5-113. Duties and Powers of the Board

The board may: Conduct or contract for scientific research to discover and develop the commercial value of sheep and sheep products; Disseminate reliable information founded upon the research undertaken under this article, showing the uses or probable uses of sheep and sheep products; Study state and federal legislation with respect to tariffs, duties, reciprocal trade […]

§ 35-57.5-114. Acceptance of Grants and Gifts

The board may accept grants, donations, contributions, or gifts from any source for expenditures in connection with any purpose consistent with the powers conferred on the board. Source: L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 1843, § 1, effective July 1. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 35-57.5-112 as it existed […]

§ 35-57.5-115. Rules and Regulations

The board is authorized to promulgate regulations necessary to carry out the intent and purposes of this article. Source: L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 1843, § 1, effective July 1. Editor’s note: The former § 35-57.5-115 was relocated to § 35-57.5-119.

§ 35-57.5-116. License Fee – Expenditure of Funds

The board shall determine the amount of assessment per head of sheep upon which the annual license fee provided for in section 35-57.5-113 (2) shall be computed. The amount of such assessment shall not exceed fifty cents per head of sheep and shall be set by the board by November 1 of the year prior […]

§ 35-57.5-117. Acts Constituting Violation

It is a violation of this article for any person to fail to pay or remit to the authority an assessment pursuant to section 35-57.5-116 or to knowingly falsify any document furnished in connection with such a payment or remission. Source: L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 1844, § 1, effective July 1. […]

§ 35-57.5-118. Enforcement

The board shall be responsible for the enforcement of this article. Any assessment levied in such specified amount as may be determined by the board pursuant to the provisions of section 35-57.5-116 shall constitute a personal debt of every person so assessed and shall be due and payable to the authority when payment is called […]

§ 35-57.5-119. Refunds

Unless otherwise specified in this article, there shall be no refunds of assessments. Any sheep producer or lamb feeder who has paid an assessment as required by section 35-57.5-116 shall be entitled to a prompt refund of seventy-five percent of such assessment from the board. Claim for refund shall be made to the board within […]