As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Authority” means the Colorado state fair authority created by part 4 of this article. “Board” means the board of commissioners of the authority. Source: L. 83: Entire section added, p. 1368, § 1, effective June 2.
For the purpose of promoting and encouraging the organization of agricultural and mechanical fair associations in the state of Colorado, the board of county commissioners of any county in this state, for the purpose of aiding its county in making a display of the agricultural, mineral, and livestock growth and products of its county at […]
The boards of county commissioners in this state, for the purpose of encouraging their respective counties in making a suitable display at any fair held in their counties, may offer special premiums for the best display of the products of the soil, the different grades of thoroughbred stock, fruits of all kinds, dairy products, or […]
All universities, colleges, local district colleges, and stations established for experimental purposes may aid and encourage in every way possible complete displays of their respective departments at the annual exhibition of the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition. Source: L. 1891: p. 18, § 4. R.S. 08: § 2509. C.L. § 469. CSA: C. 65, […]
There is hereby established the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition which shall be held annually at Pueblo, Colorado, for the display of livestock and agricultural, horticultural, industrial, mining, water conservation, tourist industry, recreational, educational, and scientific facilities, processes, and products of the state of Colorado. The Colorado state fair shall be designated as the […]
The board is authorized to enter into agreements to lease any of the facilities at the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition at Pueblo, Colorado, upon such terms and conditions as shall be approved by the board. The board is further authorized to sponsor any off-season event which it may approve. All moneys received by […]
[ Editor’s note: This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022. ] The board of directors or executive committee of any agricultural, horticultural, or stock society of this state is authorized to contract with a city, town, county, or city and county in whose jurisdiction the grounds of said society are located […]
Any person who willfully destroys the property of exhibitors, visitors, or lessees on the fairgrounds, or hinders or obstructs the officers or policemen in the performance of their duties, or wrongfully or maliciously gains admission to the fairgrounds contrary to the rules of said society or without paying the established fees during any fair of […]
The board of county commissioners of any county in this state is authorized to lease or purchase a tract of land suitable for county fair purposes, which shall be used for that purpose, in order to encourage and promote agricultural, mechanical, industrial, and livestock industries in this state. Source: L. 15: p. 232, § 1. […]
The board of county commissioners of any county in this state in its discretion, after the purchase or lease and the improvement of the land for fairground purposes as provided for in section 35-65-111, may appoint some person to look after, operate, and conduct county fairs on said fairgrounds during each year; or the said […]
The board of county commissioners of each county in this state has the power each year to appropriate from the county general fund such money as may be necessary for the purpose of purchasing, leasing, and improving the fairgrounds mentioned in sections 35-65-111 and 35-65-112. Source: L. 15: p. 233, § 3. C.L. § 484. […]
If the board of county commissioners of any county in this state elects to conduct, operate, and manage the annual fair in its county or if it elects to lease the fairgrounds and improvements thereon as provided in this article, it is authorized to appropriate from the county general fund for that purpose the amount […]
The boards of county commissioners of the various counties, for the purpose of promoting and encouraging regional or district fairs in regions or districts of which their counties are a part, may use such portions of their county fair funds as may be agreed upon by the boards of county commissioners in the various counties […]
The board is authorized to obtain a license to conduct horse race meets at the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition pursuant to article 32 of title 44. For the purposes of this section, the limitations in section 44-32-512 shall not apply, and the horse race meets shall be conducted as approved by the Colorado […]