The general assembly finds, determines, and declares that, due to current economic conditions throughout rural Colorado, it is in the best interests of the people of this state that measures be taken to encourage, promote, and stimulate agriculturally based economic development and employment in rural Colorado. To that end, it is the purpose of this […]
As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the Colorado agricultural value-added development board created in section 35-75-203. “Department” means the department of agriculture. “Development facility” means a Colorado facility that either produces goods from an agricultural commodity or uses a process to produce goods from an agricultural product. “Eligible […]
There is hereby created, within the department, the Colorado agricultural value-added development board for the purpose of encouraging and promoting agricultural business projects that add value to agricultural products and aid the economies of rural communities. The board shall consist of seven members of the authority. The commissioner of agriculture shall be an ex officio, […]
The board has the power to make grants, loans and loan guarantees, and equity investments to any person, including eligible agricultural value-added cooperatives, as defined in section 35-75-202 (4), for new or ongoing agricultural projects and research that add value to Colorado agricultural products and aid the economy of rural Colorado communities and for agricultural […]
Money received by the board from public or private gifts, grants, or donations or from any other source shall be forwarded to the state treasurer and shall be credited to the agriculture value-added cash fund, which fund is hereby created. Money in the fund is continuously appropriated to the board and shall be used for […]