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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 36 - Natural Resources - General » Article 1 - State Board of Land Commissioners

§ 36-1-118.5. Financed Purchase of an Asset or Certificate of Participation Agreements for Commercial Real Property – State Board of Land Commissioners Financed Fund – Legislative Declaration – Definition – Repeal

The general assembly hereby finds and declares that: The state board of land commissioners lacks a consistent mechanism to make investments in large, economically viable commercial real property holdings; The state could operate more efficiently if reasonably priced, well-situated lease space were available; The state board of land commissioners can generate reasonable and consistent revenues […]

§ 36-1-119. Purchase of Improvements

Should anyone lease, purchase, or receive through an exchange any of the lands belonging to the state upon which there are authorized improvements belonging to the lessee, the new owner or new lessee shall pay the former lessee for such authorized improvements. Before a lease shall issue or before title to the land is conveyed […]

§ 36-1-120. Leases – Lands in City Limits

Lands within city boundaries may be leased for a term not exceeding fifty years. Source: L. 19: p. 644, § 12. C.L. § 1165. CSA: C. 134, § 64. CRS 53: § 112-3-20. C.R.S. 1963: § 112-3-20. L. 97: Entire section amended, p. 841, § 15, effective May 21.

§ 36-1-120.5. Land Subject to Development – Leases

The general assembly hereby finds and declares that some of the public lands under the direction, control, and disposition of the state board of land commissioners are within the path of impending development and therefore are of unique economic value to the state for the funding of public schools. The general assembly recognizes that the […]

§ 36-1-121. Trespass – Penalty – Bond

[ Editor’s note: This version of subsection (1) is effective until March 1, 2022.] Any corporation, company, or person using or occupying any state or school lands without lease, and any corporation, company, or person who shall use or occupy state or school lands for more than thirty days after the cancellation or expiration of […]

§ 36-1-122. Platting and Sale in Lots and Blocks

The state board of land commissioners may cause any portion of the state or school lands to be laid out in lots and blocks or other tracts by a recorded plat to be sold at public auction or exchanged. Source: L. 19: p. 646, § 15. C.L. § 1168. CSA: C. 134, § 67. L. […]

§ 36-1-124. Sale of State Lands

The state board of land commissioners may at any time direct the sale of any state lands, except as provided in this article, in such parcels as the board deems proper. Except as specified in section 36-1-124.3, all sales under this article, except those to the United States, shall be advertised in four consecutive issues […]

§ 36-1-124.3. Acquisition of State Trust Lands by Governmental Entities

The general assembly declares that its intent in enacting this section is to authorize the transfer of interests in land to local governments or special districts in exchange for fair and adequate consideration. If the state board of land commissioners seeks to dispose of a parcel of land to a local government or special district, […]

§ 36-1-124.5. Nonsimultaneous Exchanges of State Trust Lands – Fund

The state board of land commissioners shall have the authority to undertake nonsimultaneous exchanges of land. For the purposes of section 22-41-101 (2), C.R.S., proceeds of land sold or otherwise disposed as part of a nonsimultaneous transfer pursuant to this section are not part of the designated trust fund until the nonsimultaneous transfer is completed […]

§ 36-1-125. Reservations of Rights on Sale

All sales of state lands shall be held at the state capitol unless otherwise directed by the state board of land commissioners. The state board of land commissioners shall reserve to the state all rights to all minerals, ores, and metals of any kind and character, and all coal, asphaltum, oil, gas, or other like […]

§ 36-1-126. Delinquent Payments

When any purchaser of land defaults for a period of thirty days in any of the payments of either principal or interest due upon the certificate of purchase issued to him, the certificate may be forfeited and the lands reverted to the state upon a notice to that effect mailed to the last-known post-office address […]

§ 36-1-127. Forfeiture – New Sale

If any purchaser of state land, after receiving a certificate of purchase, fails to make any one of the payments stipulated therein, and the same remains unpaid for thirty days after the time when it should have been paid, as specified in the certificate, the state board of land commissioners, after issuing notice of forfeiture […]

§ 36-1-128. Place of Payment – Venue

All moneys due and payable to the state board of land commissioners shall be paid at the office of the state board of land commissioners in the city and county of Denver, Colorado, and all actions for the recovery of same, or for the cancellation of certificates of purchase, or for the cancellation of leases, […]

§ 36-1-129. Bonds

When, in the judgment of the state board of land commissioners, a bond, a damage deposit, or earnest moneys by the purchaser of state lands is necessary, the board shall require the purchaser to give the financial warranty upon such conditions as the board may determine. In leasing state lands for nonagricultural purposes, the state […]

§ 36-1-131. State Land Board Hearings – Rules

The state board of land commissioners may hear and determine the claims of all persons who claim a legal interest in the land or trust administered by the state board of land commissioners and who are aggrieved by an action of the board. The state board of land commissioners may appoint one or more of […]

§ 36-1-132. Lands Sold Subject to Taxation

All lands sold under the provisions of this article or any interest therein shall be subject to taxation, and the director of the state board of land commissioners shall furnish to the county assessor of each county on May 1 of each year a list of the equities owned or acquired in all lands so […]

§ 36-1-133. Rebate of Taxes on Reverted Land

In case any lands sold under the provisions of this article are reverted to the state for any cause whatsoever, the director of the state board of land commissioners shall at once notify the county treasurer of the county in which the land is situated, and upon receipt of such notice it is the duty […]

§ 36-1-134. Proceeds of Sale – Funds

The funds arising from the sale of public school, university, and agricultural college lands shall be held intact for the benefit of the funds for which such lands were granted and shall be known as permanent funds, and the interest and rentals only shall be expended for the purpose of the grant. The funds arising […]

§ 36-1-135. Proceeds of Leases – Disposition

All moneys arising from the leasing of agricultural college, university, or public school lands which, on or after March 31, 1919, are received by the state treasurer shall be treated in all respects in the same manner as is provided by law for the disposition of the interest on the proceeds arising from the sale […]