Upon the issuance of a patent to any lands by the United States to the state, notice shall be forwarded to the settler upon such land. It is the duty of the board, under the signature of its president and attested by its secretary, to issue a patent to said lands from the state to […]
The maps of the lands selected under the provisions of this article shall show the location of the canals or other irrigation works approved in the contract with the board. All lands filed upon shall be subject to the right-of-way of such canals or irrigation works. The right-of-way shall embrace the entire width of the […]
The board shall provide suitable rules for the filing of proposals for constructing irrigation works, and for the entry and payment of the land by settlers, and for the forfeiting of entry by settlers upon failure to comply with the provisions of this article. There shall be kept in the office of the board, for […]
The board shall prescribe the duties of all its employees and shall collect the following fees: For filing each application, one dollar; for filing each proof, one dollar; for issuing each patent, one dollar; and for making certified copies of papers or records, the same fee as provided for to be charged by the secretary […]
The board shall maintain a detailed record of the names, location, and character of the irrigation works in process of construction; the acreage and legal subdivisions of land intended to be reclaimed; the estimated cost of said irrigation works; the price of water rights from such irrigation works; and the terms of payment for water […]