For the purposes of this article, the word “tree” means all vegetable growth of a woody texture of any size whatsoever. No lands contemplated in this law shall be leased for any purpose whatsoever that will destroy the tree growth. Source: L. 01: p. 188, § 9. R.S. 08: § 2634. C.L. § 1221. CSA: […]
No trees needed to conserve the snows, ice, or water of any irrigation district shall be cut from any part of the public domain, except as provided in this article. Source: L. 01: p. 185, § 1. R.S. 08: § 2626. C.L. § 1213. CSA: C. 134, § 115. CRS 53: § 112-7-1. C.R.S. 1963: […]
The state board of land commissioners, referred to in this article as the “board”, is authorized to sell and otherwise dispose of timber on state lands; to secure the maximum possible amount therefrom, based upon cruised and appraised quantities thereon, location, accessibility, and market conditions; to issue permits of authority for timber cuttings; and to […]
The board shall issue rules regulating the following: The sale of timber; timber protection of the young growth and the remaining stand in accordance with approved forestry practice; the filing of applications by purchasers; the issuing of permits of authority for cuttings; the cruising and appraisement of timber quantities to be sold; and the expenses […]
The board shall endeavor by every means at its disposal to protect the state’s timber lands from fire menace and destructive timber fires. It shall cooperate with the United States forest service and otherwise for such protection when timber fires occur and hire all necessary help, laborers, or firefighters for the extinguishing of such fires. […]
The state board of land commissioners shall require of all persons cutting trees upon state lands a bond in a sufficient amount, with good and approved security, for the carrying out in good faith of the provisions of part 2 of this article. Source: L. 01: p. 188, § 8. R.S. 08: § 2633. C.L. […]
The district attorneys of the various judicial districts of the state are directed to prosecute in the name of the state all cases arising under this article. Source: L. 01: p. 190, § 17. R.S. 08: § 2642. C.L. § 1229. CSA: C. 134, § 129. CRS 53: § 112-7-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 112-7-8.