It is declared by the general assembly that the reclamation by drainage of lands not at present cultivatable or useful or fully so will be conducive to the public health, convenience, utility, or welfare. The owners of agricultural lands susceptible of drainage by the same general system of works may propose the organization of a […]
The petition may be in more than one part for convenience in obtaining signatures if each part is the same in substance. When the several parts of said petition, with the signatures thereto attached, are together presented to the board of county commissioners, they shall be considered as one petition. Said petition shall be signed […]
The petition shall be accompanied by a good and sufficient bond with sureties to be approved by the said board of county commissioners in a penal sum double the amount of the probable cost of organizing said district, conditioned for the payment of all costs incurred in said proceedings in case said organization shall not […]
In lieu of a bond the board of county commissioners, in its discretion, may require the petitioners to pay in advance to the county treasurer from time to time such sums of money as in the opinion of the board of county commissioners will be required for the costs and expenses of organizing said district. […]
In case the district is organized, the expenses incurred by the county shall be paid to the county by said district, and all advances made by the petitioners to the county treasurer shall be refunded by the county to the petitioners, who shall have advanced the same. Source: L. 11: p. 313, § 5. C.L. […]
Prior to the presentation of the petition to the board of county commissioners, the petition shall be published in some newspaper of general circulation in the county where said petition will be presented, for at least two weeks, together with a notice signed by the committee selected by the petitioners and named in said petition, […]
At the time and place designated in the notice, if it appears that the notice of presentation of the petition has been given as required by section 37-20-106 and that said petition has been signed by the number of petitioners required by section 37-20-102, the board of county commissioners shall hear said petition and applications […]
The board of county commissioners may make such changes in the boundaries of the proposed district as may be necessary by including therein upon the application of the owners thereof of other lands susceptible of drainage by the proposed system, or which will be benefited by the system of drainage, and by excluding therefrom lands […]
When the boundaries of any proposed drainage district have been determined, the board of county commissioners shall make an order allowing the prayer of the petition, defining and establishing the boundaries and designating the name of the proposed district. Source: L. 11: p. 314, § 9. C.L. § 2115. CSA: C. 57, § 9. CRS […]
When the prayer of the petition is that a drainage system be established without holding an election and it appears that a large portion of the land which will be benefited by the proposed drainage system is unoccupied land or so many of the owners of land to be benefited thereby are not residents upon […]
When the petition prays that an election shall be held, the board of county commissioners shall order an election to be held within the proposed drainage district for the purpose of determining whether or not said district shall be organized and shall cause to be published a notice of said election which shall contain: The […]
There shall be elected three directors who shall be owners of land within said district; but the board of county commissioners may divide and if requested in said petition shall divide said district into three divisions, as nearly equal as conveniently may be, which shall be numbered one, two, and three, respectively, and in that […]
The board of county commissioners shall designate a polling place within said district and, if necessary, shall establish a convenient number of election precincts within said district, define the boundaries thereof, and designate the polling place in each precinct. Source: L. 11: p. 315, § 13. C.L. § 2119. CSA: C. 57, § 13. CRS […]
The board of county commissioners shall appoint for each precinct, from the qualified electors who are owners of lands therein, three judges of election who shall exercise the powers and duties usually performed by judges of election in this state. Source: L. 11: p. 315, § 14. C.L. § 2120. CSA: C. 57, § 14. […]
The notice shall be published at least two weeks preceding the election in a newspaper of general circulation within the county; and a like notice shall be published in each county within which any portion of the district may lie. Source: L. 11: p. 315, § 15. C.L. § 2121. CSA: C. 57, § 15. […]
Every owner of land within said district, who is a citizen of the United States or has declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States and is a resident of the state of Colorado, shall be entitled to vote at such election in the precinct where he resides, or if a nonresident […]
The board of county commissioners shall meet on the second Monday following the election and proceed to canvass the votes cast thereat. If it appears that a majority of the votes cast are “Drainage District – Yes”, the board of county commissioners shall make an order declaring that said drainage district is duly organized under […]
The board of county commissioners shall cause a certified copy of the order, together with a copy of the plat of the district, to be filed with the county clerk and recorder of each county in which any portion of the district lies, and thereafter no land within the district shall be included within the […]
On and after the date of such filing, the organization of said district shall be complete, and the officers thereof shall forthwith enter upon the duties of their respective offices, upon qualifying according to law, and shall hold their respective offices until their successors are elected and qualified. Source: L. 11: p. 316, § 19. […]
No action shall be brought or maintained or defense made affecting the validity of the organization of said district, unless the same has been commenced or made within one year after the entry of said order. Source: L. 11: p. 316, § 20. C.L. § 2126. CSA: C. 57, § 20. CRS 53: § 47-1-20. […]