After adopting a plan for a drainage system and providing for the payment of the same, or a designated part thereof by assessment or bonds, the board of directors shall give notice, by publication not less than twenty days prior to the date of opening proposals in a newspaper published in the county where the […]
The person to whom a contract may be awarded shall execute a bond in the penal sum of not less than ten percent of the contract price, with surety to be approved by the board of directors, payable to the drainage district, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract. All work shall be done […]
The board of directors has the power to construct the works across any watercourse, street, avenue, highway, railway, canal, or ditch which the route of such drainage system or any branch thereof intersects or crosses. If any railroad company, or the owners and controllers of said property, thing, or franchise so to be crossed, or […]
All drainage districts incorporated under the laws of this state have, in addition to all rights and powers granted by statute prior to March 22, 1921, the right and power under the laws of this state to cross lands outside the boundaries of said drainage district with any part of the system of drainage works […]
Said drainage district shall make due and just compensation for such right-of-way and the damages occasioned by the construction and operation of its works, and, where the compensation for the property sought to be taken or damaged cannot be agreed upon by the parties interested, or in case the owner of the property is incapable […]
The right-of-way is given, dedicated, and set apart to locate, construct, and maintain drainage systems and works in, over, through, across, or upon any of the lands which are the property of the state. Source: L. 11: p. 327, § 71. C.L. § 2176. CSA: C. 57, § 77. CRS 53: § 47-5-4. C.R.S. 1963: […]
No director or officer of a district shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract awarded or to be awarded by the board or in the profits thereof, nor shall he or she receive any gratuity or bribe. For any violation of this provision, such officer or director commits a class 6 felony and […]