If the landowners of an irrigation district desire to rescind their action authorizing an issue of bonds, they may do so as to any such entire issue remaining unsold in the hands of the board of directors in the same manner as such issue was authorized and upon an affirmative vote of the majority of […]
After a plan for construction of irrigation or other works has been adopted and approved as provided in section 37-42-117, and funds provided therefor, the board of directors shall call for bids for the construction of the whole or any part thereof. The notice shall be published for four weeks in such papers as the […]
The fiscal year of each irrigation district in this state shall commence on January 1 in each year. It is the duty of the board of directors, in accordance with the schedule prescribed by section 39-5-128, C.R.S., to determine the amount of money required to meet the maintenance, operating, and current expenses for the ensuing […]
It is the duty of the county assessor of any county embracing the whole or a part of any irrigation district to assess and enter upon his records as assessor in its appropriate columns the assessment of all lands, including public lands subject to assessment under the congressional act of August 11, 1916, exclusive of […]
It is the duty of the board of county commissioners of the county in which the office of any irrigation district is located, immediately upon receipt of the returns of the total assessment of said district and upon the receipt of the certificates of the board of directors certifying the total amount of money required […]
Repealed. It is the duty of the county treasurer of any county wherein is located the whole or any part of an irrigation district to collect and receipt for all irrigation district assessments levied. The revenue laws of this state for the assessment, levying, and collection of taxes on real estate for county purposes, except […]
If bonds are issued which are subject to redemption prior to maturity, and if, after the payment of all coupons and bonds due in any fiscal year, it is found that the bond fund of an irrigation district contains an amount of money sufficient therefor, it is the duty of the district treasurer to call […]
Repealed. For the purposes of defraying the expenses of the organization of the district and the care, operation, management, repair, and improvement of all canals, ditches, reservoirs, and works, including salaries of officers and employees, the board may: Fix rates of tolls and charges and collect them from all persons using the district’s structures or […]
At any time after the expiration of two years from the date of the issuance of any bonds under this article, any landowner may relieve his lands from the burden of such bonded indebtedness in the following manner: He shall pay to the district treasurer an amount of money sufficient to retire district bonds in […]
Any landowner desiring the exclusion of any of his lands from an irrigation district organized under this article shall present to the board of directors of such district his verified petition describing such lands and praying their exclusion by order of such board. He shall allege and show by certificate of the county clerk and […]
Landowners representing a majority of the acreage of any tracts of land susceptible of irrigation from the system of any irrigation district already organized may present their petition to the board of directors of such irrigation district, praying that such lands be included within the district. Such petition shall describe each tract of land sought […]
Whenever any irrigation district organized under this article 42 acquires water in excess of its own needs or becomes the owner of water or rights capable of use for other purposes than those for which it was organized, without impairing or injuring such use, it may lease the water or rights for use within or […]
The board of directors of any irrigation district may cause surveys, maps, estimates of cost, and a report of feasibility to be made looking to the drainage of the whole or any part of an irrigation district which may have become, or threatens to become, seeped or too wet or which requires drainage for profitable […]
The board of directors may sell property or assets of the district not needed for district use nor essential to its operation from time to time as it directs and upon such notice as it designates, and shall cause the proceeds thereof to be placed in the bond fund or United States contract fund of […]
The board of directors of any irrigation district organized under this article at any time may file a petition in the district court of the county wherein is situated the office of such district praying for a judicial examination and determination of the question of the validity of the organization of the district, or of […]
A plan for the dissolution of any irrigation district organized under this article may be submitted to the landowners at a special election held for that purpose. Such plan must provide for the payment of all district debts and liabilities and the disposition of district assets. If the landowners authorize such dissolution by an affirmative […]
This article 42 applies only to irrigation districts organized after April 7, 1921, and no existing laws in any manner relating to irrigation districts apply to or affect irrigation districts organized after that date, but existing laws and all amendments thereto made after that date remain in and have full force and effect as to […]
If the landowners of an irrigation district entitled to vote at elections have authorized the dissolution of the district in the manner provided by section 37-42-139 but the plan of dissolution so authorized has not been implemented and the district has continued to function as an irrigation district, the district may submit the question of […]