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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 37 - Water and Irrigation » Article 47 - Southwestern Water Conservation District

§ 37-47-101. Legislative Declaration – Rivers Named

In the opinion of the general assembly of the state of Colorado, the conservation of the water of the San Juan and Dolores rivers and their tributaries for storage, irrigation, mining, and manufacturing purposes and the construction of reservoirs, ditches, and works for the purpose of irrigation and reclamation of additional lands not yet irrigated, […]

§ 37-47-102. Definitions

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “District” means the “Southwestern Water Conservation District”. The district is a body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the state of Colorado. “Person” means a person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation. “Property”, as used in section 37-47-109 (1), includes both real and personal […]

§ 37-47-103. Creation and Name of District

There is hereby created a water conservation district to be known and designated as the “Southwestern Water Conservation District”. Such district is hereby declared to be a body corporate under the laws of Colorado. Said district shall comprise the following area and territory: The counties of San Miguel, Dolores, Montezuma, Archuleta, San Juan, La Plata, […]

§ 37-47-104. Board of Directors

The southwestern water conservation district shall be managed and controlled by a board of nine directors. The members of said board shall hold their office for staggered terms of three years, with three members appointed each year, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. One member of said board shall be selected from each […]

§ 37-47-105. Allowance for Directors

The directors of the district shall receive as reimbursement for nontravel expenses a sum of up to one hundred dollars per day while actually engaged in the business of said district and in addition shall be entitled to their actual traveling and transportation expenses when away from their respective places of residence on district business. […]

§ 37-47-106. Vacancy in Office of Director

The office of director shall become vacant when any member ceases to reside in the county from which the director was appointed. In the event a vacancy occurs in said office by reason of death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, it shall be filled by the board of county commissioners of the county from which said […]

§ 37-47-107. Powers of District

Such district, in its corporate capacity, shall have power: To sue and be sued in the name of the southwestern water conservation district; To acquire, operate, and hold in the name of the district such real and personal property as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article and to sell and […]

§ 37-47-108. Principal Office – Meetings

The board of directors of the district shall designate a place within the district where the principal office is to be maintained and may change such place from time to time. Regular meetings of said board shall be held at said office at least once every three months. The board is also empowered to hold […]

§ 37-47-109. Assessment and Levy by Board

As soon as the district has been organized and a board of directors has been appointed and qualified, such board of directors shall have the power and authority to fix the amount of an assessment upon the property within the district not to exceed six-tenths of one mill for every dollar of valuation for assessment […]

§ 37-47-110. Creation of Subdistricts

Notwithstanding the organization of the district provided for in this article, public irrigation districts organized under article 4 of chapter 149, CRS 53, and irrigation districts organized under articles 41 and 42 of this title, and any other form or organization designed or intended to acquire, construct, or maintain reservoirs, ditches, and similar works for […]

§ 37-47-111. Rules and Regulations

Such district has the power to make general rules and regulations for the conduct of its business, as well as the conduct of the business of any subdistrict therein, and by such rules and regulations may provide for the rental of water or other services which are to be furnished by said subdistrict, to any […]

§ 37-47-112. Procedure for Establishment of Subdistricts

Before any subdistrict is established under this article, a petition shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of the county in which the territory to be embraced in said subdistrict or the greater part thereof is situate, signed by the board of directors of the district or by a […]

§ 37-47-113. Time and Place of Hearing on Petition

Immediately after the filing of such petition the court wherein such petition, is filed, by order, shall fix a place and time, not less than sixty days nor more than ninety days after the petition is filed, for hearing thereon, and, thereupon, the clerk of said court shall cause notice by publication, which may be […]

§ 37-47-114. Recording of Protest – Procedure – Decree – Fee

At any time after the filing of a petition for the organization of a subdistrict, and not less than thirty days prior to the time fixed by the order of the court for the hearing upon said petition, and not thereafter, a protest may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court […]

§ 37-47-115. Plan for Subdistrict

Upon organization of such subdistrict, the board of directors of said district, acting as the board of directors of said subdistrict, are authorized and required to prepare and adopt as the official plans for said subdistrict a comprehensive detailed plan showing the nature of the improvements or works, including all canals, reservoirs, and ditches, whether […]

§ 37-47-116. Appointment of Appraisers

As soon as such official plan has been prepared and adopted and is on file in the office of said district, the court, upon petition of the district, shall appoint a board of appraisers consisting of three members. The qualifications of said appraisers and all proceedings before them shall be in accordance with the provisions […]

§ 37-47-117. Compensation of Appraisers

Appraisers when appointed under the provisions of this article shall receive a compensation of ten dollars per day during the time that they are engaged in the performance of their duties. Source: L. 41: p. 880, § 15. CSA: C. 173B, § 70. CRS 53: § 149-9-15. C.R.S. 1963: § 150-8-15.

§ 37-47-118. Directors Bound by Financing Plan

The board of directors of said district shall be bound by the plan of financing set forth in the petition for the organization of the subdistrict and approved by the decree of the district court. The appointment of appraisers shall not be necessary in the event that the plan adopted provides that general obligations of […]

§ 37-47-119. Assessments – Procedure in Making

In the event that the plans for the organization of said district, including the petition and the decree entered thereon, provide for a plan of financing the construction or acquisition of the works, or other improvements proposed, by special assessments to be levied against the appraised benefits to property within said subdistrict, then said board […]

§ 37-47-120. Improvement District Bonds

The board of directors of said district may issue as obligations of the subdistrict, not as an obligation of the southwestern water conservation district, improvement district bonds to be paid out of special assessments made by said board of directors against all lands in the subdistrict, not exceeding in the aggregate amount of ninety percent […]