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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 37 - Water and Irrigation » Article 48 - Rio Grande Water Conservation District

§ 37-48-101. Legislative Declaration

In the opinion of the general assembly of the state of Colorado, the conservation of the water of the Rio Grande and its tributaries for beneficial use and the construction of reservoirs, ditches, and works for such purposes are of vital importance to the growth and development of the entire area and the welfare of […]

§ 37-48-101.3. Definitions

As used in this article 48, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) “District” means the “Rio Grande Water Conservation District”. The district is a body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the state of Colorado. (2) “Subdistrict” or “subdivision” embraces and includes the kind or character of special improvement districts created under the […]

§ 37-48-102. Creation and Name of District

There is hereby created a water conservation district to be known and designated as “Rio Grande Water Conservation District” when the governor declares, pursuant to section 37-48-121, that such district is formed. Such district is hereby declared to be a body corporate under the laws of Colorado. Said district shall comprise the counties of Alamosa, […]

§ 37-48-103. Board of Directors

The district shall be managed and controlled by a board of nine directors. The members of said board shall hold their offices for terms of three years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Two members of such board shall be appointed from each of the counties of Conejos, Alamosa, Rio Grande, and Saguache, […]

§ 37-48-104. Employees

The board of directors of said district shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer. The same individual at the election of the board may hold both offices. The board shall likewise hire such other employees, including engineers and attorneys, as may be required to properly transact the business of the district, and said board is […]

§ 37-48-105. Powers of District

The district, in its corporate capacity, shall have power to: Sue and be sued in the name of the Rio Grande water conservation district and otherwise to participate in litigation; Acquire, operate, and hold in the name of the district such real and personal property as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of […]

§ 37-48-106. Principal Office – Meetings

The board of directors of the district shall designate a place within the district where the principal office is to be maintained and may change such place from time to time. Regular quarterly meetings of said board shall be held within the district during the months of January, April, July, and October, the date and […]

§ 37-48-107. Assessment and Levy by Board

The board of directors has the power to fix the amount of an assessment upon the property within the district not to exceed two and one-half mills for every dollar of valuation for assessment therein, as a level or general levy to be used for the purpose of paying the expenses of organization, for surveys […]

§ 37-48-108. Creation of Subdistricts

Notwithstanding the organization of the district provided for in this article, irrigation and internal improvement districts organized under articles 41, 42, 44, and 45 of this title and any other form of organization designed or intended to acquire, construct, or maintain reservoirs, ditches, and similar works for irrigation or other beneficial purposes under any law […]

§ 37-48-109. Compensation of Directors

The directors of the district shall receive as compensation a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars per day while actually engaged in the business of said district and, in addition, shall be entitled to their actual traveling and transportation expenses when away from their respective places of residence on district business. Source: L. 67: […]

§ 37-48-110. Limitations on Power to Levy and Contract

The district has no power of taxation or right to levy or assess taxes, except an annual levy not to exceed two and one-half mills on each dollar of the valuation for assessment of property in said district. The district has no power to contract or incur any obligation or indebtedness except as expressly provided […]

§ 37-48-111. Investment of Surplus Funds

The board of directors of said district may invest any surplus funds of the district, including any amounts in the construction fund not needed for immediate use to pay the cost of construction of any project in any one of the subdistricts or to pay bonds or coupons or to meet current expenses, in securities […]

§ 37-48-112. Rules

The district has the power to make general rules for the conduct of its business, as well as the conduct of the business of any subdistrict therein, and by such rules may provide for the rental of water or other services that are to be furnished by said subdistrict to any municipality, public irrigation district, […]

§ 37-48-113. Court Confirmation

In its discretion, the board of directors, on the behalf and in the name of the district or any subdistrict that is a party in interest, may file a petition at any time in the district court in and for the county in which the district’s principal office is maintained or, if both the district […]

§ 37-48-114. Petition

Before the Rio Grande water conservation district is established under this article, a petition shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of the twelfth judicial district in and for Alamosa county, signed by not fewer than four hundred landowners, each of which owns eighty or more acres of land […]

§ 37-48-115. Notice and Hearing on Petition

Immediately after the filing of such petition, the court shall fix a time not less than forty-five days nor more than ninety days after the petition is filed for hearing thereon, and the clerk of said court shall cause notice by publication to be made of the pendency of the petition and of the time […]

§ 37-48-116. Election Resolution

On such day certain or as soon thereafter as is reasonably possible, the board of county commissioners of the counties, part or all of whose lands lie within the boundaries of the proposed Rio Grande water conservation district, shall meet at the time and place specified by such court, or at such other place as […]

§ 37-48-117. Conduct of Election

Except as provided in this article, an election held pursuant to this article shall be opened and conducted in the manner provided by the laws of the state of Colorado for the conduct of general elections except that only taxpaying electors may vote in such election. Registration pursuant to the general election laws or any […]

§ 37-48-118. Notice of Election

Notice of such election shall be given by publication. No other notice of election need be given. Source: L. 67: p. 670, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 150-10-18.

§ 37-48-119. Polling Places

All polling places designated by the election resolution shall be within the area included within the proposed district. Source: L. 67: p. 670, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 150-10-19.