The county commissioners of each county shall have provided at each polling place ballots or ballot labels, or both, ballot boxes or voting machines, or both, instructions, elector’s affidavits, and other material and supplies required for a general election by law. The county commissioners, acting as a group, may procure all of the necessary supplies […]
The election officials shall make their returns directly to the county commissioners of said counties in care of the board of county commissioners of Alamosa county, Alamosa, Colorado. The county commissioners of said counties shall act as the canvassing body. The returns of said election shall be made and canvassed at any time and in […]
The expenses of the election shall be paid by the Colorado water conservation board to the extent of fifteen thousand dollars, and there is hereby appropriated to said board the sum of fifteen thousand dollars to be used for this purpose and no other. Each county is entitled to a fraction of said sum, the […]
Before any subdistrict is established under this article, a petition shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of the county in which the territory to be embraced in said subdistrict or the greater part thereof is situate, signed by the board of directors of the district or by a […]
Immediately after the filing of such petition, the court wherein the petition is filed, by order, shall fix a place and time, not less than sixty-three days nor more than ninety-one days after the petition is filed, for hearing thereon, and the clerk of said court shall cause notice by publication, which may be substantially […]
At any time after the filing of a petition for the organization of a subdistrict, and not less than thirty days prior to the time fixed by the order of the court for the hearing upon said petition, and not thereafter, a protest may be filed in the office of the clerk of the court […]
Upon organization of such subdistrict, the board of directors of said district, acting as the board of directors of said subdistrict, is authorized and required to prepare and adopt as the official plans for said subdistrict a comprehensive detailed plan, setting forth any plan of water management for the subdistrict, any improvements or works, including […]
The board of directors has full authority to devise, prepare for, execute, maintain, and operate all works or improvements necessary or desirable to complete, maintain, operate, and protect the works provided for by the official plan and to that end may employ and secure men and equipment under the supervision of the chief engineer or […]
When it is determined to let the work by contract, contracts in amounts in excess of ten thousand dollars shall be advertised after notice by publication calling for bids, and the board may reject any or all bids or may let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder who gives a good and approved bond […]
The board of directors also has the right to establish and maintain stream gauges, rain gauges, and a flood warning service with telephone or telegraph lines or telephone or telegraph service, and it may make such surveys and examinations of rainfall and flood conditions, streamflow, and other scientific and engineering subjects as are necessary and […]
The board of directors also has the authority to enter into contracts or other arrangements with the United States government or any department thereof, with persons, railroads, or other corporations, with public corporations, with the state government of this or other states, and with irrigation, drainage, conservation, conservancy, or other improvement districts in this or […]
[ Editor’s note: This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022. ] The board of directors or its employees or agents, including contractors and their employees and appraisers retained by the board and their assistants, may enter upon lands within or without the district in order to make surveys and examinations to […]
For the accomplishment of the official plan, the board of directors has full power to improve in alignment, section, grade, or location, or in any other manner, any watercourse; and it may remove, widen, lengthen, lower, raise, or otherwise change any public or private road bridge or railroad bridge, any flume, aqueduct, or telephone, telegraph, […]
In case it is necessary to pass any dredge boat or other equipment through a bridge or grade of any railroad company or other corporation, county, city, town, or other municipality, the board of directors shall give notice to the owner of said bridge or grade that the same shall be removed temporarily to allow […]
If the subdistrict has a board of managers, any of the functions and duties enumerated in sections 37-48-127 to 37-48-133 may be performed by the board of managers to the extent provided in the petition or in the rules and regulations of the subdistrict; except that all contracts shall be subject to approval by the […]
If the subdistrict has a board of managers and if it is so provided in the petition or in the rules and regulations of the subdistrict, the board of managers may retain engineers, attorneys, and management and other personnel separate and apart from those employed by the district. Source: L. 75: Entire section added, p. […]
If the plan of financing set forth in the petition and order creating the subdistrict utilizes special improvement bonds, paid by special assessments upon the property benefited within the subdistrict, as a means of financing the execution of the official plan, then, at the time of making its order organizing the district or at any […]
During the preparation of an official plan that utilizes special improvement bonds for financing, the board of appraisers shall examine and become acquainted with the nature of the plans for the improvement of the lands and other property affected thereby in order that they may be better prepared to make appraisals for the special improvement […]
The board of appraisers shall prepare a tabulated report of its findings, which shall be bound in book form and which shall be known as the conservation district appraisal record for special improvement bonds. Such record shall contain the names of the owners of property appraised as they appear on the tax rolls or from […]
Upon the filing of the report of the appraisers, the clerk of the court in which the original cause is pending shall, upon order of the court, give notice thereof by publication in each county in the subdistrict. It shall not be necessary for said clerk to name the parties interested, but the notice shall […]