The conservation of the water of the Republican river, its tributaries, and that portion of the Ogallala aquifer underlying the district for compliance with the Republican river compact are of vital importance to the growth and development of the entire area and the welfare of all its inhabitants. To promote the health and general welfare […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the board of directors of the Republican river water conservation district created pursuant to section 37-50-104. “District” means the Republican river water conservation district created pursuant to this article. “Person” means a person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation. “Property”, as used in sections […]
There is hereby created a water conservation district to be known and designated as the “Republican river water conservation district”. The district is hereby declared to be a body corporate under the laws of Colorado. The district consists of the following area and territory of the state of Colorado: Phillips and Yuma counties; and Those […]
The district shall be managed and controlled by a board of seventeen directors. The members of the board shall hold their offices for terms of three years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. A director may serve one or more terms. The boards of county commissioners of the counties of Yuma, Phillips, Kit […]
The directors of the district shall receive as compensation a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars per day while actually engaged in the business of the district, and, in addition, the directors shall be entitled to their actual traveling and transportation expenses when away from their respective places of residence on district business. Source: […]
The board shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer. The same individual may, at the election of the board, hold both offices. The board shall likewise hire such other employees, including engineers and attorneys, as may be required to properly transact the business of the district, and is authorized to provide for the compensation of […]
The district is formed for the purpose of cooperating with and assisting this state to carry out its duty to comply with the limitations and duties imposed upon the state by the Republican river compact, and, in furtherance of that purpose and in its corporate capacity, the district shall have power to: Sue and be […]
The board shall designate a place within the district where the principal office is to be maintained and may change the place from time to time. Regular quarterly meetings of the board shall be held at the office on the third Tuesday in the months of February, May, August, and November. The board may hold […]
In addition to other means of providing revenue for the district, the board has the power to fix the amount of an assessment upon the property within the district, as a level or general levy to be used for the purpose of paying the expenses of organization, for surveys and plans, to pay the salary […]
In addition to other means of providing revenue for the district, the board, in the name of the district, has the power to levy and collect a uniform sales and use tax throughout the entire geographical area of the district, notwithstanding any provision of article 2 of title 29, C.R.S., to the contrary, and upon […]
The district has no power of taxation or right to levy or assess taxes pursuant to section 37-50-109, except an annual levy. The district has no power to contract or incur any obligation or indebtedness except as expressly provided in this article. All property taxes and assessments under this article shall be collected by the […]
The board may invest any unexpended revenues of the district, including any amounts in the construction fund not needed for immediate use, to pay the cost of construction of any project, or to pay bonds or coupons or to meet current expenses, in securities meeting the investment requirements established in part 6 of article 75 […]
As soon as the official plan has been prepared and adopted pursuant to section 37-50-107 (3) and is on file in the office of the district, upon petition of the district, the board may, if the official plan includes the utilization of special improvement bonds paid by special assessments upon the property benefitted within the […]
If the board provides for the financing of the construction or acquisition of the works or other improvements proposed and of the other steps necessary to the development and implementation of the district’s official plan by special assessments to be levied against the appraised benefits to property within the district, then the board may make […]
In addition to all other remedies for collection of assessments provided by this article, the district may, at any time after three years after the issuance of any certificate of purchase held by the district, bring civil action to foreclose the lien for assessments represented by all certificates of purchase held by the district with […]
All assessments on account of special improvements against appraised benefits and interest thereon and penalties for default of payment thereof, together with the cost of collecting the same, from the date of the filing of the construction fund and the assessment record in the office of the treasurer of the county in which the lands […]
If any assessment made under the provisions of this article proves invalid, the board, by subsequent or amended acts or proceedings, promptly and without delay, shall remedy all defects or irregularities, as the case may require, by making and providing for the collection of new assessments or otherwise. Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. […]
The record of assessments contained in the respective assessment records of the district shall be prima facie evidence in all courts of all matters contained in the record. Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 1916, § 1, effective August 4.
Whenever in this article notice is provided for, if the court finds that due notice was not given, jurisdiction shall not be lost nor the proceedings abated or held void, but the court shall continue the hearing until proper notice has been given and then shall proceed as though proper notice had been given in […]
In the name of the district, the district may issue general obligations or bonds that shall constitute a lien against the real property in the district. Obligations shall bear interest at a rate such that the net effective interest rate of the issue does not exceed the maximum net effective interest rate authorized. Interest shall […]