§ 37-60-101. Definitions
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the Colorado water conservation board. Source: L. 37: p. 1300, § 2. CSA: C. 173B, § 2. CRS 53: § 148-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 149-1-2.
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the Colorado water conservation board. Source: L. 37: p. 1300, § 2. CSA: C. 173B, § 2. CRS 53: § 148-1-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 149-1-2.
For the purpose of aiding in the protection and development of the waters of the state, for the benefit of the present and future inhabitants of the state there is created a Colorado water conservation board with the powers and duties set out in this article. Said board is declared to be an agency of […]
The board shall elect from the appointed members a chairman and a vice-chairman to serve at the pleasure of the board. The director of the board shall serve as secretary. Source: L. 37: p. 1301, § 4. CSA: C. 173B, § 4. CRS 53: § 148-1-4. C.R.S. 1963: § 149-1-4. L. 67: p. 293, § […]
The board shall consist of fifteen members. The executive director of the department of natural resources shall be a voting member ex officio. The attorney general, state engineer, director of the division of parks and wildlife, commissioner of agriculture or designee, and director of said board shall be nonvoting members ex officio. The nine remaining […]
The Colorado water conservation board is authorized to employ any persons and enter into any cooperative undertakings with agencies of government as it may deem advisable for carrying out the work outlined in section 37-60-115. The employment in this section referred to is of such persons as the Colorado water conservation board finds necessary to […]
It is the duty of the board to promote the conservation of the waters of the state of Colorado in order to secure the greatest utilization of such waters and the utmost prevention of floods; and in particular, and without limiting the general character of this section, the board has the power and it is […]
State water plan. The board shall adopt and update, as warranted, a state water plan. In exercising its authority pursuant to this section, executive order D2013-005, or any analogous successor order directing the board to adopt or amend a state or Colorado water plan, the board shall comply with all requirements of this section. Legislative […]
The board may provide for the holding of regular meetings and may hold a special meeting at any time and place in the state upon the call of the chairman or vice-chairman or of any two voting members. Notice of all special meetings shall be given by telegram at least forty-eight hours, or by registered […]
The board shall adopt a seal, and all documents to be executed by the board shall be under such seal, signed by the chairman or vice-chairman and attested by the secretary. From time to time, the board may adopt suitable rules and regulations as are necessary or expedient for the conduct of its business and […]
The governor from time to time, with the approval of the board, shall appoint a commissioner, who shall represent the state of Colorado upon joint commissions to be composed of commissioners representing the state of Colorado and another state or other states for the purpose of negotiating and entering into compacts or agreements between said […]
All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith, relating to the appointment of commissioners for negotiating compacts respecting the waters of interstate streams are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall neither affect the authority of any commissioners now engaged in the process of negotiating any interstate compact respecting the waters of any interstate stream […]
Each appointed member of the board not otherwise in full-time employment of the state shall receive a per diem allowance of fifty dollars for each day actually and necessarily spent in the discharge of official duties, and all members shall receive traveling and other necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of official duties. Per […]
The controller is authorized to draw warrants monthly in payment of the lawful salaries and expenses of the board or commissioners and their legal, engineering, and other assistants and employees on vouchers signed by the secretary of the board and approved by the governor. Source: L. 37: p. 1307, § 12. CSA: C. 173B, § […]
The board shall cooperate with the attorney general in all matters relating to interstate suits concerning the waters of the rivers of the state and shall arrange for the gathering and compilation of all information, factual, engineering, or other data requisite or desirable for the use of the attorney general in the conduct of such […]
The attorney general is the legal advisor for the board, and with his or her consent the board may employ additional legal counsel. Source: L. 37: p. 1302, § 7. CSA: C. 173B, § 7. CRS 53: § 148-1-7. C.R.S. 1963: § 149-1-7. L. 67: p. 294, § 3. L. 2016: Entire section amended, (HB […]
The Colorado water conservation board is authorized to forthwith make, or cause to be made, a continuous study of the water resources of the state of Colorado, and a continuous study of the present and potential uses thereof to the full extent necessary to a unified and harmonious development of all waters for beneficial use […]
The Colorado water conservation board shall cause the results of the studies to be embodied in written reports, copies of which shall be held in the offices of said board as a public record available for the use of any interested person, and a copy of each of said reports shall be sent to the […]
The board shall report to the executive director of the department of natural resources at such time and on such matters as the executive director requires. Publication of studies conducted by the board and other publications circulated in quantity outside the division shall be subject to the approval and control of the executive director of […]
The state of Colorado, by and through the Colorado water conservation board, hereby assents to the provisions of the act of congress entitled “Water Resources Planning Act”, approved July 22, 1965. The Colorado water conservation board is authorized, empowered, and directed to perform such acts as may be necessary to the conduct and establishment of […]
In order to promote the general welfare and safety of the citizens of this state and to protect the allocation of interstate waters to the state, the board may, subject to the provisions in section 37-60-122, construct, rehabilitate, enlarge, or improve, or loan money to enable the construction, rehabilitation, enlargement, or improvement of, such flood […]