It is unlawful for any person who does not have charge of any weir, headgate, automatic self-registering device, or other measuring recording device or any canal or reservoir intake or outlet, who does not have authority to install, repair, maintain, or operate any such device or to inspect the same from the owners thereof or […]
In every case in which the state engineer finds that water can be stored out of priority under circumstances such that the water so stored can be promptly made available to downstream senior storage appropriators in case they are unable to completely store their entire appropriative right due to insufficient water supply, the state engineer […]
The state engineer shall, as specified in this section, design and operate a tributary groundwater monitoring network in the South Platte river alluvial aquifer, referred to in this section as the monitoring network. The objective of the monitoring network is to: Provide accurate groundwater level data to be used in scientific investigations, analyses, and decision […]
As soon as practicable, the state engineer shall initiate the promulgation of rules governing the review of a substitute water supply plan pursuant to section 37-92-308 (12). In promulgating the rules, the state engineer shall follow the state engineer’s own rule-making procedures. The rules must include: Terms and conditions that the state engineer may impose […]