The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that: It has been established by scientific evidence that improperly constructed wells, improperly abandoned wells, and improperly installed pumping equipment can adversely affect groundwater resources and the public health, safety, and welfare; and Therefore, the proper location, construction, repair, and abandonment of wells, the proper installation and […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: Repealed. “Board” means the state board of examiners of water well construction and pump installation contractors created by section 37-91-103. “Construction of wells” means any act undertaken at the well site for the establishment or modification of a well, including, without limitation, the location of […]
There is created, under the division of water resources in the department of natural resources, a state board of examiners of water well construction and pump installation contractors, consisting of five members and comprised of the following persons: The state engineer or a representative designated by him; a representative of the department of health designated […]
The board shall: Be responsible for the administration of this article and, with respect to such administration, shall enforce the provisions of this article and any rules adopted pursuant thereto and shall take such other actions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this article; Have general supervision and authority over […]
Every person, before engaging in the business of contracting either for the construction of wells or for the installation of pumping equipment, shall obtain a license for one or more methods of well construction or pump installation from the board and shall secure a registration from the board for each well-drilling or pump-installing rig to […]
(Deleted by amendment, L. 2003, p. 1678 , § 6, effective May 14, 2003.) A license shall not be required of any person who performs labor or services if he is directly employed by, or under the supervision of, a licensed well construction contractor or pump installation contractor. Private drillers and private pump installers are […]
All fees from applicants seeking a license under this article, and all renewal fees, shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the well inspection cash fund created in section 37-80-111.5. No fees shall be refunded. A license shall be nontransferable and unassignable. The board shall charge an application fee […]
The board, by an affirmative vote of three of its five members, may withhold, deny, revoke, or suspend any license issued or applied for in accordance with the provisions of this article, upon proof that the licensee or applicant: Has used fraud or deception in applying for a license or in taking an examination provided […]
In addition to the licensing of well construction contractors and pump installation contractors as required by this article, no well shall be located, constructed, repaired, or abandoned and no pumping equipment shall be installed or repaired contrary to the provisions of this article and applicable rules of the board promulgated to effectuate the purposes of […]
The following basic principles, general in scope and fundamental in character, shall govern the construction, repair, or abandonment of any well and the installation or repair of any pumping equipment: Water wells shall be: Located in such manner that the well and its surroundings can be kept in a sanitary condition; Adequate in size to […]
It is unlawful: For any person to represent himself as a well construction contractor or a pump installation contractor who is not licensed under this article or to so represent himself after his license has been suspended or revoked or has lapsed; For any person not licensed under this article to advertise or issue any […]
The board may, through the attorney general of the state of Colorado, apply for civil penalties and for an injunction to enjoin any person from committing any act declared to be unlawful by this article. Such application shall be heard in the district court in which the grounds for the injunction arose. Such injunctive proceedings […]
The state engineer shall monitor compliance with this article, including by inspecting water well construction and pump installation, and may employ inspectors for such purpose. The costs of such monitoring and inspection shall be paid from the well inspection cash fund created by section 37-80-111.5. Inspectors shall have the following qualifications, but need not be […]