The general assembly hereby declares that the purpose of enacting this article is to protect Colorado consumers by: Requiring roofing contractors offering to perform roofing work on residential property in this state to sign a written contract with property owners detailing the scope and cost of the roofing work and contact information for the roofing […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Property owner” means the owner of residential property or the owner’s legal representative. “Residential property” means: A detached, one- or two-family dwelling; or Multiple single-family dwellings that are not more than three stories above grade plane height and provide separate means of egress. “Residential property” […]
Prior to engaging in any roofing work, a roofing contractor shall provide a written contract to the property owner, signed by both the roofing contractor or his or her designee and the property owner, stating at least the following terms: The scope of roofing services and materials to be provided; The approximate dates of service; […]
A property owner who enters into a written contract with a roofing contractor to perform roofing work on the property owner’s residential property, the payment for which will be made from the proceeds of a property and casualty insurance policy issued pursuant to part 1 of article 4 of title 10, C.R.S., may rescind the […]
A roofing contractor that performs roofing work, the payment for which will be made from the proceeds of a property and casualty insurance policy issued pursuant to part 1 of article 4 of title 10, C.R.S., shall not advertise or promise to pay, waive, or rebate all or part of any insurance deductible applicable to […]