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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 7 - Corporations and Associations » Article 51 - Joint Stock Religious or Benevolent Associations

§ 7-51-101. How Organized

Any joint stock company or association organized in this state for religious, educational, or benevolent purposes may be incorporated under this article by electing or appointing, according to its usages or customs at any meeting held for that purpose, two or more of its members as directors, trustees, wardens, or vestrymen, or other officers whose […]

§ 7-51-102. Affidavit of Chairperson – Where Filed – Effect

The chairperson or secretary of the meeting, as soon as may be after such meeting, shall make and file, in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county in which the congregation, church, or society is organized, an affidavit, substantially in the following form: Such certificate, or a copy thereof duly certified by […]

§ 7-51-103. Bylaws

The directors, trustees, wardens, or vestrymen of any such corporation shall adopt necessary bylaws to provide for the election of directors, trustees, wardens, or vestrymen and other officers and for the proper government in all respects of the congregation, church, or society. Source: L. 1879: p. 34, § 3. G.S. § 386. R.S. 08: § […]

§ 7-51-104. Property Vests in Corporation

Upon the incorporation of any such congregation, church, or society, all real and personal property held by any person or trustee for the use of the members thereof shall immediately vest in such corporation and be subject to its control, and may be used, mortgaged, sold, and conveyed the same as if it had been […]

§ 7-51-105. Powers of Corporation

Corporations formed under this article: Shall be bodies corporate and politic in fact and in name, by the name stated in the affidavit, and by that name have succession for the period for which they are organized; May sue and be sued in any court in this state; May have a common seal which they […]

§ 7-51-106. Shares of Stock

The shares of stock shall not be less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars each and shall be deemed personal property and transferable as such in the manner provided by the bylaws. Subscriptions therefor shall be made payable in such installments and at such time as shall be determined by the directors, […]

§ 7-51-107. Board of Directors

The corporate powers of any such corporation shall be exercised by a board of directors, trustees, or other similar officers in the manner and for the time that may be prescribed in the constitution and bylaws of the corporation, but the same shall not be in conflict with any of the provisions of this article […]

§ 7-51-108. Election of Directors

If an election of directors, trustees, or other similar officers is not held on the day designated by the constitution or bylaws, the company shall not be dissolved for that reason, but it shall be proper to elect such directors, trustees, or other officers on any subsequent day as shall be prescribed by the constitution […]

§ 7-51-109. Liability of Stockholders

Each stockholder shall be liable for the debts of the corporation to the extent of the amount unpaid upon the stock held by the stockholder, to be collected in the manner provided in this section. If any action is brought to recover any indebtedness against the corporation, it shall be competent to proceed against any […]

§ 7-51-110. Certificate of Full Paid Stock

The president and a majority of the board of trustees, directors, or other similar officers, after the payment of the last installment of capital stock so fixed and limited by the company as required by this article, shall make a certificate stating the amount of the capital stock so fixed and paid in, which certificate […]

§ 7-51-111. Purchase of Property

The directors, trustees, or other similar officers of any such corporation may purchase real and personal property necessary for their business and issue stock to the amount of the value thereof in payment therefor; and the stock so issued shall be declared to be full-paid stock and not liable to any further calls or assessments […]

§ 7-51-112. Any Church May Incorporate

Any congregation, church, or society incorporated prior to February 20, 1879, under the provisions of any law for the incorporation of religious, educational, or benevolent societies may become incorporated under the provisions of this article in the same manner as if it had not been previously incorporated. The new corporation shall be entitled to and […]

§ 7-51-113. Incorporation of Religious Organization

If any body of Christians or other religious denomination has an organization according to its mode of government, whether known as synod, presbytery, conference, episcopate, or other name, with ecclesiastical or spiritual jurisdiction over its members throughout this state and its authorities desire to engage in works of education, benevolence, charity, and missions and deem […]