US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


Section 1-29. – Acknowledgments within state.

The acknowledgment of any instrument may be made in this state before: (1) A judge of a court of record or a family support magistrate; (2) a clerk or deputy clerk of a court having a seal; (3) a town clerk; (4) a notary public; (5) a justice of the peace; or (6) an attorney […]

Section 1-30. – Acknowledgments in other states, territories or possessions.

The acknowledgment of any instrument may be made without the state but within the United States or a territory or insular possession of the United States and within the jurisdiction of the officer, before: (1) A clerk or deputy clerk of any federal court; (2) a clerk or deputy clerk of any court of record […]

Section 1-31. – Acknowledgments without United States.

The acknowledgment of any instrument may be made without the United States before: (1) An ambassador, minister, charge d'affaires, counselor to or secretary of a legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul, commercial attache, or consular agent of the United States accredited to the country where the acknowledgment is made; (2) a notary public of the country […]

Section 1-34. – Certificate of officer.

An officer taking the acknowledgment shall endorse thereon or attach thereto a certificate substantially in one of the following forms: (1) By individuals: State of …. County of …. On this the …. day of …., 20.., before me, …., the undersigned officer, personally appeared …., known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the […]

Section 1-36. – Authentication.

(1) If the acknowledgment is taken within this state or is made without the United States by an officer of the United States no authentication shall be necessary. (2) If the acknowledgment is taken without this state, but in the United States, or a territory or insular possession of the United States, the certificate shall […]

Section 1-37. – Acknowledgment in compliance with law of other jurisdiction.

Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter, the acknowledgment of any instrument without this state in compliance with the manner and form prescribed by the laws of the place of its execution, if in a state, a territory or insular possession of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, verified by the official seal […]

Section 1-38. – Acknowledgment of person in armed forces.

In addition to the acknowledgment of instruments in the manner and form and as otherwise authorized by this chapter, persons serving in or with the armed forces of the United States or their dependents, wherever located, may acknowledge the same before any commissioned officer in active service of the armed forces of the United States […]