When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings herein specified: “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management; “municipality” includes each town, consolidated town and city, consolidated town and borough, city and borough; “audited agency” includes each district, as defined in section 7-324, […]
(a) All municipalities shall have all their financial statements audited at least once annually and shall provide for audits in accordance with the provisions of sections 4-230 to 4-236, inclusive. Each audited agency, except a local housing authority, shall have all its accounts audited at least once annually. Such audit shall be made by an […]
Upon the completion of an audit, the independent auditor shall file certified copies of the audit report with (1) the appointing authority, (2) in the case of a town, city or borough, with the clerk of such town, city or borough, (3) in the case of a regional school district, with the clerks of the […]
When the audit provided for in section 7-392 has been made, the municipal clerk shall cause to be published a legal notice in a newspaper having a substantial circulation in such municipality that such audit is on file in his office, for public inspection, within one week after receiving such audit. (1949 Rev., S. 824; […]
(a) The audit report prepared by an independent auditor, as defined in section 7-391, retained to render an audit for a municipality, regional school district or audited agency, or by any fiscal officer of such municipality, regional school district or audited agency shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, generally accepted auditing […]
(a) There is established a Municipal Finance Advisory Commission which shall (1) review and submit any recommendations as may be deemed appropriate with respect to any regulations concerning the provisions of section 7-394a, submitted by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management for purposes of such review and (2) work with any municipality […]
(a) The secretary shall review each audit report filed with said secretary as provided in section 7-393, except said secretary shall review the audit reports on each audited agency biennially and may review the audit reports on any municipality or regional school district biennially, provided such secretary shall, in any year in which he does […]
The regional board of education and appointing authority of any municipality or audited agency shall file with the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management the name of the independent auditor, designated to audit the financial statements of the regional school district, municipality, or audited agency, at least thirty days before the end of […]
(a) Any agreement for a state grant entered into between a state agency and a public or private agency shall provide for an audit acceptable to such state agency of any grant expenditures made by such public or private agency and, unless otherwise provided by the state agency, the cost of such audit may be […]
So much of any charter provisions of any municipality as is inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter is repealed. (1949 Rev., S. 827.)