There is established an account within the General Fund to be known as the “local emergency relief account”. The purpose of the local emergency relief account shall be to provide for the payment of grants to municipalities to relieve or assist in the relieving of a situation certified by the Local Emergency Relief Advisory Committee, […]
(a) There is established a Local Emergency Relief Advisory Committee comprised of: The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, the Commissioner of Administrative Services, the Commissioner of Transportation, the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection and the Adjutant General of the Military Department, or their designees; the president pro tempore of the […]
(a) On or after July 7, 1987, any municipality may apply for an emergency relief grant to reimburse such municipality for documented expenses related to any emergency occurring on or after January 1, 1987. Except as provided under subsection (d) of this section, to receive a grant from the local emergency relief account, a municipality […]