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Home » US Law » 2022 Connecticut General Statutes » VOLUME 2 » Title 7 - Municipalities » Chapter 99 - Municipal Charters and Special Acts

Section 7-187. – Definitions.

Whenever used in sections 7-188 to 7-193, inclusive: (a) “Appointing authority” means the body having authority to appoint a charter commission, charter revision commission or home rule ordinance revision commission, which shall be the board of selectmen of a town not having a council or board of directors, the council or board of directors of […]

Section 7-189. – Form of petition.

(a) The form of the petition for adopting or amending a charter or amending a home rule ordinance shall be as follows: WARNING: ALL SIGNATURES SHALL BE IN INK OR INDELIBLE PENCIL. We, the undersigned electors of the town, city or borough of (here insert name of town, city or borough), hereby present this petition […]

Section 7-190. – Commission: Appointment, membership, duties, report, termination.

(a) Within thirty days after such action has been initiated by vote of the appointing authority or by certification of a petition, the appointing authority shall by resolution appoint a commission consisting of not fewer than five nor more than fifteen electors, not more than one-third of whom may hold any other public office in […]

Section 7-191. – Charters, charter amendments and home rule ordinance amendments: Hearings; draft and final report; public notice; referendum; effective date; filing of copies with Secretary of the State; file maintained by State Library.

(a) The commission shall hold at least two public hearings on the proposed charter, charter amendments or home rule ordinance amendments; one prior to the beginning of any substantive work on such charter, charter amendments or home rule ordinance amendments, and one after the draft report to the appointing authority has been completed, but not […]

Section 7-191a. – Adoption of home rule ordinance.

Any home rule ordinance in effect on October 1, 1982, shall be part of the organic law of the municipality and the special act superseded thereby and any other special act relating to the government of such municipality inconsistent therewith are repealed. (1959, P.A. 678, S. 6; P.A. 81-451, S. 6, 10.) History: P.A. 81-451 […]

Section 7-191b. – Amendments to charters to modify budget adoption dates.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this title and chapters 164, 170 and 204 and any special act, municipal charter or home rule ordinance, a municipality, upon a two-thirds vote of its legislative body, may amend its charter for the sole purpose of modifying its budget adoption dates. Such budget adoption dates may include, but need not […]

Section 7-192. – Existing provisions not affected. Amendments to charters. Amendment or revision of home rule ordinance. Supersedence of certain special acts by municipal ordinance. Termination of certain parking authorities and boards of health.

(a) Every charter, special act and home rule ordinance in effect on October 1, 1982, shall continue in effect until repealed or superseded by the adoption of a charter, charter amendments or home rule ordinance amendments in accordance with this chapter, the provisions in any charter in existence on said date governing revision or amendment […]

Section 7-192a. – New tax not authorized by general statutes prohibited. Provisions affecting elections and electors not to be adopted.

No provision of this chapter shall be deemed to empower any municipality to levy or collect any tax not authorized by the general statutes or to adopt a charter, charter amendments or home rule ordinance amendments which shall affect matters concerning qualification and admission of electors; duties and responsibilities of registrars of voters; duties and […]

Section 7-193. – Required provisions. Organization of government.

(a) Any charter adopted or amended under the provisions of this chapter shall conform to the following requirements: (1) The municipality shall have a legislative body, which may be: (A) A town meeting; (B) a representative town meeting; (C) a board of selectmen, council, board of directors, board of aldermen or board of burgesses; or […]

Section 7-194. – Powers.

Subject to the provisions of section 7-192, all towns, cities or boroughs which have a charter or which adopt or amend a charter under the provisions of this chapter shall have the following specific powers in addition to all powers granted to towns, cities and boroughs under the Constitution and general statutes: To manage, regulate […]

Section 7-195. – Consolidation of governments.

(a) As used in this section and sections 7-196 to 7-201, inclusive, “unit of local government” means a town or political subdivision thereof and “political subdivision” means a city, borough or district within a town. (b) The consolidation of the government of any town with the government or governments of one or more political subdivisions […]

Section 7-196. – Form of petition.

The form of the petition for proposing a consolidation shall be as follows: WARNING: ALL SIGNATURES SHALL BE IN INK OR INDELIBLE PENCIL. We, the electors of the town, city or borough or unit of local government of (Here insert the name of the town, city, borough or unit of local government), hereby present this […]

Section 7-197. – Consolidation commission.

If, within thirty days of the adoption of the proposal to consolidate by the initiating legislative body, the legislative body of each other unit of local government included in the proposed consolidation has accepted the proposal, or if a sufficient petition has been certified to the presiding officer of the legislative body of the town, […]

Section 7-198. – Duties of commission.

Such consolidation commission shall prepare a consolidation ordinance in which provision shall be made for the allocation of local governmental functions and services to existing offices, departments, boards, commissions or other agencies of the town, city, borough or other unit of local government; the abolition of unnecessary offices, departments, boards, commissions or other agencies; the […]

Section 7-199. – Referendum.

Not less than ninety days nor more than eighteen months after the appointment of such consolidation commission, such consolidation ordinance shall be submitted to the town clerk. Such ordinance shall be submitted to the electors of the town at the next general election following submission to the town clerk. A special election may be held […]

Section 7-201. – Receipt of funds. Appropriations.

Any charter commission or consolidation commission appointed under the provisions of this chapter is authorized to receive for its own use and purposes any funds or money from any source, including gifts and contributions, made by any individual, corporation or association. Any unit of local government is authorized to appropriate funds for expenses incurred by […]