§ 5401. Findings of the General Assembly [See Evans v. State, 872 A.2d 539 (Del. 2005) concerning unconstitutionality of this section.]. The members of the 143rd General Assembly find that: (1) On November 23, 2004, the Delaware Supreme Court sitting en banc decided the case of Ward T. Evans v. State of Delaware, 2004 WL […]
§ 5402. @*@*Evans v. State@*END@* @*bold@* [See Evans v. State, 872 A.2d 539 (Del. 2005) concerning unconstitutionality of this section.].@*END@* Based on the findings set forth in § 5401 of this title and in recognition that the Delaware Constitution vests authority and sole responsibility for lawmaking in the General Assembly, the General Assembly asserts its […]
§ 5403. Construction and interpretation of laws [See Evans v. State, 872 A.2d 539 (Del. 2005) concerning unconstitutionality of this section.]. (a) Delaware judicial officers may not create or amend statutes, nor second-guess the soundness of public policy or wisdom of the General Assembly in passing statutes, nor may they interpret or construe statutes and […]