§ 9701. Sheriffs and New Castle County Constables. The fees of sheriffs and of New Castle County Constables, for the services specified, in cases before a justice of the peace shall be as follows: For serving and returning a summons, or a scire facias, on one or more defendants, including all services in a cause […]
§ 9702. Kent County constables. The fees of Kent County constables, for the services specified, in cases before a Justice of the Peace shall be as follows: For serving and returning a summons, or scire facias on one ormore defendants, including all services in a cause beforejudgment $ 1.00 For serving and returning a subpoena, […]
§ 9703. Sussex County constables. The fees of Sussex County constables, for the services specified, in cases before a justice of the peace shall be as follows: For serving and returning a summons, or scire facias on one ormore defendants, including all services in a cause beforejudgment $ 1.00 For serving and returning a subpoena […]
§ 9704. Witnesses. The fees of witnesses in cases before a justice of the peace shall be as follows: For each day’s attendance $ .50 And 3 cents per mile from the witness’ house to the place of trial and back. For the referees who actually try the cause, each, and mileage the same as […]
§ 9705. Parties. The fees of parties in cases before a justice of the peace shall be as follows: For each deposition taken $ .50 But more than $1.00 shall not be allowed by either party for depositions in a case before the justice, nor more than $5.00 on appeal. 24 Del. Laws, c. 248; […]
§ 9706. Certification of acknowledgments. The fees of a justice of the peace, for the services specified, shall be as follows: Taking and certifying acknowledgment of a deed, whether one or more parties, each justice $ .50 Same of a release, acquittance or receipt, each justice .30 12 Del. Laws, c. 571, § 1; Code […]
§ 9707. Depositions in appeals. For each deposition taken in an appeal from a justice $ .50 But not more than $5.00 shall be allowed for depositions in 1 appeal. Code 1852, § 2814; Code 1915, § 4871; Code 1935, § 5367; 10 Del. C. 1953, § 9710;
§ 9708. Duties with respect to fees; limitations on fees. The justice shall tax the fee for every service specified in this chapter. No other fee shall be allowed and no mileage shall be allowed unless it is expressly given. In no case shall a fee be charged for a service not performed; and every […]
§ 9709. Violations and penalty. Whoever knowingly receives any greater or more or less fees than are allowed in this chapter for the services specified, or refuses to give a receipt or adds any item not specified in this chapter, shall be fined not more than $60. 24 Del. Laws, c. 248; Code 1915, § […]