§ 3901. Fixing term of imprisonment; credits. (a) When imprisonment is a part of the sentence, the term shall be fixed, and the time of its commencement and ending specified. An act to be done at the expiration of a term of imprisonment shall be done on the last day thereof, unless it be Sunday, […]
§ 3903. Delivery of copy of sentence to warden. The Prothonotary shall deliver to the warden of the workhouse or jail in which the convicted person is to be confined a duly certified copy of the sentence in every criminal case. Code 1852, § 2930; Code 1915, § 4812; 40 Del. Laws, c. 226, § […]
§ 3905. Instructions on separate issues of guilt and insanity; instructions on verdicts. At the conclusion of a trial under this title, where warranted by the evidence, the charge to the jury shall contain instructions that shall consider separately the issues of guilt and the presence or absence of insanity, and shall also contain instructions […]
§ 3906. Domestic violence offenses. The sentence for a second conviction for any crime or attempt to commit any crime hereinafter specifically named when such crime is committed by a member of the victim’s family as defined by § 901(12) of Title 10, regardless of the state of residence of the parties; by a former […]