§ 4110. Purpose; created. The General Assembly hereby declares that in order to provide funds to enhance the suppression, investigation and prosecution of criminal activity, promote officer safety, facilitate the training of law-enforcement personnel, further public safety, public education, and community awareness and improve victim services, it is necessary to establish a fund for the […]
§ 4111. Use. (a) The use of money from the Special Law Enforcement Assistance Fund [SLEAF] must be for the purposes declared in § 4110 of this title. The Attorney General shall allocate resources and approve expenditures in respect of permitted uses in accordance with this subchapter, including any disbursement guidelines established under § 4113(a) […]
§ 4112. Source of funds. (a) Upon the forfeiture of any money in a criminal case in any court of this State, the same shall be paid over to the Prothonotary or clerk of the court, as the case may be, who shall collect the same and transmit it to the State Treasurer to be […]
§ 4113. Disbursement of funds [For application of this section, see 80 Del. Laws, c. 281, § 3]. (a) The disbursement of funds from this account shall be made by the State Treasurer to a law-enforcement agency only upon written application by the agency and upon authorization by the Attorney General, the Director of the […]
§ 4114. Accounting of funds; permissible types of investigative activities. (a) Each agency receiving funding from the Special Law Enforcement Assistance Fund during any fiscal year shall render on or before June 30 of each year a full and complete accounting for the use of such funds to the Attorney General, who shall attain such […]
§ 4115. Review [For application of this section, see 80 Del. Laws, c. 281, § 3]. Any agency receiving funds from the Special Law Enforcement Assistance Fund shall, on or before July 15, submit a detailed and complete accounting of the disbursement for all such funds from the prior fiscal year to the Auditor of […]
§ 4116. Excess funds. If at any time the amount of funds segregated in the Special Law Enforcement Assistance Fund exceeds $500,000, the excess shall be deposited in the General Fund. 63 Del. Laws, c. 140, § 1; 74 Del. Laws, c. 111, § 33;