§ 4120. Registration of sex offenders. (a) Unless otherwise indicated, the definitions set forth in § 4121(a) of this title shall apply to this section. In addition, when used in this section, the phrase “custodial institution” includes any Level IV or V facility operated by or for the Department of Correction, the Division of Youth […]
§ 4120A. Sex Offender Management Board. (a) The General Assembly hereby declares that the comprehensive evaluation, identification, classification, treatment, and continued monitoring of sex offenders who are subject to the supervision of the criminal justice system is necessary in order to work toward the reduction of recidivism by such offenders. Therefore, the General Assembly hereby […]
§ 4121. Community notification of sex offenders on probation, parole, conditional release or release from confinement. (a) When used in this subchapter: (1) “Community notification” means notice which is provided by any method devised specifically to notify members of the public who are likely to encounter a sex offender. Methods of notification may include, but […]
§ 4122. Transition provisions. (a) Section 4121 of this title and this section shall be retroactively applicable to any person convicted of a registering offense. (b) Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, as soon after March 1, 1999, as is practicable, the Attorney General shall apply § 4121 of this title to […]
§ 4123. Juveniles adjudicated delinquent of sex offenses. (a) Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, this section shall apply to any sex offender who was a juvenile on the date of the offense and adjudicated delinquent by the Family Court. (b) Prior to sentencing any juvenile adjudicated delinquent of a sex offense, […]