§ 4341. Selection, appointment and removal of Board of Parole. (a) The Board of Parole shall consist of a Chairperson and 4 other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor and confirmed by a majority of the members elected to the Senate. One member shall be from each county and 1 additional […]
§ 4342. Adequate quarters; personnel; seal. (a) The Board shall obtain and maintain suitable and adequate quarters and shall employ those persons necessary to carry out its functions. For administrative and budgetary purposes, the Board shall be placed within the Criminal Justice Council. Fiscal oversight shall be provided by the Criminal Justice Council as determined […]
§ 4343. Duties. The Board shall: (1) Be the paroling authority for the State; (2) Establish rules and regulations for the conduct of its own proceedings, and rules of procedure for the effective enforcement of this chapter. Copies of said rules and regulations shall be published and may be obtained upon request; (3) Determine the […]
§ 4344. Compensation and expenses. (a) Each member of the Board except the Chairperson shall receive $300 per day, for services when attending a meeting of the Board. The meetings of the Board shall not exceed 50 in any year; however, the Governor may, in the Governor’s discretion, give written authorization to the Board to […]
§ 4345. Information on applications for parole and review to be provided by Chairperson. At least 14 days before any meeting of the Board, the Chairperson shall provide all the members of the Board with copies of all pertinent information and materials at the Chairperson’s disposal concerning all applications for parole coming before the Board […]
§ 4346. Eligibility for parole. (a) A person confined to any correctional facility administered by the Department may be released on parole by the Board if the person has served 1/3 of the term imposed by the court, such term to be reduced by such merit and good behavior credits as have been earned, or […]
§ 4347. Parole authority and procedure. (a) A person committed to the custody of the Department who will be eligible for parole within 180 days may apply for a parole hearing on forms promulgated by the Board. Upon receipt of such application, the Board shall notify the Bureau Chief of Prisons of said application and […]
§ 4348. Release upon merit and good behavior credits. A person released on or after August 8, 2012, having served that person’s term or terms in incarceration, less such merit and good behavior credits as have been earned, shall, upon release, be deemed as released on probation until the expiration of the maximum term or […]
§ 4349. Information from the Department and others. The Department shall grant to the Board or its representatives access to any person over whom the Board has jurisdiction under this chapter, and shall provide facilities for communicating with and observing such person, and make available to the Board such reports as the Board shall require […]
§ 4350. Conduct of hearings on applications for parole. (a) The Board shall adopt rules for hearing oral statements or arguments by persons not connected with the Department of Correction when hearing applications for parole. In developing those rules, the Board shall reserve for itself the right to: (1) Limit the length of each statement; […]
§ 4351. Witnesses; production of records. The Board may issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such records, books, papers and documents necessary for investigation of the case of any person before it. Subpoenas may be signed and oaths administered by any member of the Board. Subpoenas so issued may […]
§ 4352. Return of violator of parole; procedure and action on violation. (a) At any time during release on parole the Board or any member thereof may issue a warrant for the arrest of a released person for violation of any of the conditions of release, or a notice to appear to answer to a […]
§ 4353. Mental health evaluations required prior to parole. (a) No person who has been convicted of and imprisoned for any class A felony, felony sex offense or any felony wherein death or assault to a victim occurred shall be released from incarceration by the Parole Board until the Parole Board has considered a mental […]
§ 4354. Applicability to sentences imposed pursuant to truth in sentencing. No sentence imposed pursuant to the provisions of the Truth and Sentencing Act of 1989, including sentences imposed for felonies under § 4177 of Title 21, shall be subject to parole under the provisions of this subchapter. 67 Del. Laws, c. 130, § 7; […]