§ 4361. Board of Pardons; attendance of victims and witnesses. (a) The Board of Pardons as constituted by article VII of the Constitution of this State shall have power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such records, books, papers and documents necessary for investigation of the case of […]
§ 4362. Psychiatric examinations. (a) When the Board of Pardons considers for recommendation to the Governor, for pardon or commutation of sentence, any person who has been convicted of an act causing death (subpart B of subchapter II of Chapter 5 of this title); sexual offenses (subpart D of subchapter II of Chapter 5 of […]
§ 4363. Request for advice from Board of Parole. Whenever the Board of Pardons receives an application for recommendation of pardon or commutation of sentence from a person who is in legal custody of the Department of Correction, the Board shall request from the Board of Parole a report summarizing the complete record of such […]
§ 4364. Effect of pardon; restoration of civil rights. Except as otherwise provided by the Delaware Constitution, or expressly by any provision of the Delaware Code or any court rule, the granting of an unconditional pardon by the Governor shall have the effect of fully restoring all civil rights to the person pardoned. Such civil […]